blackers, 1736420593
My point is he physically abused his wife. You said he had women problems that lead him to drink. That is a pissweak excuse.
Exxotixjeff, 1736420652
[quote=blackers][quote=Exxotixjeff]Sounds like Roy might have had some woman problems,
Driving him to hit the bottle.?
Really? He was arrested for domestic violence and in the local lockup when he hung himself. More than a few people thought he was a wanker apparently. According to Keef Richards, he, Eric Clapton and Ronnie Wood pissed in his beer.[/quote]
Sounds like Clapton , Wood and Richard’s were wankers themselves, Except the narrator wasn’t sure if the story was true?
And as the narrator said,
Drunk musicians have a warped sense of humour.
blackers, 1736421268
No point truing to converse with maroons. Play it loud.
Exxotixjeff, 1736421820
[quote=blackers]My point is he physically abused his wife. You said he had women problems that lead him to drink. That is a pissweak excuse.[/quote]
Well der a cheating wife , is a woman problem, which can lead to drinking,
I wasn’t excusing anything that happened after that,
Because I didn’t actually know what happened
So how can I be excusing something I didn’t
Know that happened,
I actually said
Sounds like he might have had some woman problems, from listening to his lyrics.
blackers, 1736422096
You really are not very bright Jeff Ciao malaka
Exxotixjeff, 1736422314
[quote=blackers]No point truing to converse with maroons. Play it loud.
Sounds like you’re overreacting,about something I guessed at from his lyrics,
Your the one with all the information.
Sounds like you’ve been listening to too much beer skulling music again !
seeds, 1736422384
Maybe he was a carrot cake which led to her escapism.
Which led to his shitty blues.
Or maybe his alcoholism created both.
He is awful.
tubeshooter, 1736422837
"Out doing Neil Young?"
Was that an actual question?
You can't be serious.
Exxotixjeff, 1736422844
[quote=blackers]You really are not very bright Jeff Ciao malaka[/quote]
Well neither are you
assuming everyone knows what you know, and then overeacting about it,
Your the one playing the beer skulling music, don’t have too many, you might keep overreacting.
Exxotixjeff, 1736423068
[quote=tubeshooter]"Out doing Neil Young?"
Was that an actual question?
You can't be serious.[/quote]
Yeah I know him too
It is debatable
Exxotixjeff, 1736424613
But then again, let’s all jump up and down like a packet of funny seeds,
Supafreak, 1736425026
Exxotixjeff, 1736425335
I was expecting Heart of Gold or something.
Supafreak, 1736425944
Exxotixjeff, 1736426292
I thought you were piling on to Tim the movie maker,
You amusing little boy
Do you actually know any other music, apart from that little ditty and Boy George, ?
If you do, I dare you to post it.
Most people search for real music or surfing or something,
but you search for that OMG
What a funny character.
Exxotixjeff, 1736426432
Yeah I thought so
You don’t really listen to much music,
That’s why you’re a one dimensional boy.
Supafreak, 1736426712
I can’t stop laughing, the things you find on YouTube
Exxotixjeff, 1736427561
There you go soaps
Does that take you back?
Supafreak, 1736429595
Goodnight jeffy
Exxotixjeff, 1736453005
Come on you must be able to think of something?
Exxotixjeff, 1736454030
Exxotixjeff, 1736455284
[quote=Supafreak]Goodnight jeffy[/quote]
That’s not music
You should start your own Super amusing snigger thread.
Supafreak, 1736468327
Actually Jeffy , have you thought about starting your own thread on Trump & Musk ? Your audience would then have all the information in one place instead of spread out over different threads . It would also free up the US thread .
Patrick, 1736472233
[quote=stunet][quote=Patrick]Snuck out at night to go see this band on my own at the MCG Hotel when I was about 16.[/quote]
Great band though their wailing Kiss and Van Halen-style guitar rock fell out of favour as the decade wore on. Saw Asylum, which was Marc Welsh's original band, a few times. Came from the Gold Coast - you ever see them TBB? - before they split up and Welsh moved to Melbourne and joined HAND.
He's back on the Goldy, still surfing, and doing great artwork.[/quote]
Thanks Stu
Patrick, 1736472870
ABBA and Jerry A. Jerry's first gig was an Abba show he went to with his mum. Rock n roll baby
The interview where he talks about influences and early gigs:
blackers, 1736489015
Nice. My first gig was the Uncanny X-Men at the Pier Hotel, Frankganestan. Got kicked out for being under aged and badly dressed. Sing it loud like the Orwells.
blackers, 1736655040
Some songs that sound like things you have heard before.
Exxotixjeff, 1736666373
Just a momentita
Not so fast ,
I need money,
My sweet ass
Hey Negrita .
Exxotixjeff, 1736667307
We spent a lonely night at the Memory Motel,
It’s on the ocean , I guess you know it well.
TheWhoSellOut, 1736732409
Friendly reminder that The Schizophonics are currently touring New Zealand and will be playing shows in Australia starting next week.
15th Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND @spaceacademychch
16th Taupo, NEW ZEALAND @ Rosemary's
19th Tauranga, NEW ZEALAND at Under The Bridge (DIY)
21st Bangalow, AUSTRALIA at A & 1 Hall *with @shanandtheclams
22nd Brisbane, AUSTRALIA @thetriffid *with @shanandtheclams
23rd Gold Coast, AUSTRALIA @vinniesdive
24th Central Coast, AUSTRALIA @thelinkandpin
25th Wollongong, AUSTRALIA @lalalaswollongong
26th Sydney, AUSTRALIA @factory_floor
30th Melbourne, AUSTRALIA @thetotehotel
31st Geelong, AUSTRALIA @barwon_club
1st Melbourne, AUSTRALIA @kindredbandroom
basesix, 1736736389
...and then Adelaide on the 2nd or 3rd Feb, right?
(if you need to convince them, tell 'em Adelaide is the Oz version of Christchurch.. that'll do it, haha ; )
TheWhoSellOut, 1736796035
@basesix i think they fly out to play a couple shows in Japan.
basesix, 1736830128
cheers mate ^ we're used to missing stuff in SA. (long as WA and Tassie miss out, too, we're pretty philosophical about it).
@seeds, this Thursday Island episode from series 2 of Back Roads just popped on.. know you like a bit o' Back Roads, and I reckon you'd appreciate the music of Henry 'Seaman' Dan (RIP):
seaman dan:
Exxotixjeff, 1736844053
Randwick Bells
Jimmy Little
Randwick Bells
Paul Kelly.
seeds, 1736845579
basesix, that left me with a big smile on my face.
truebluebasher, 1736847561
2 weeks in & tbb is slipping...did back track some...
Good on the crew pushin' the new sites'n'sounds...
Did wanna give a shout out to a quality early 80's band
Another rare Oz unit from tbb's collection
Crew will know at least one of these trax...
Not because it got air play...but purely coz 80's Birdman collectors luv it...
Crew will know this track coz they would've hunted it down by word of mouth...
Oz punk bands were supposed to pack it in...forgot to tell this lot...
They just went next level with the Birdmen / Hitmen sound...
One of them trax that dusts off the Top shelf...
Like if ya gonna do this...ya wanna go all out & nail it...with Spades!
Not much history about this tbb will share what he's got...
Gonna have to wing it...
Starts with that shit hot keyboardist from Dave Warner...
Exactly...all know that keyboard bosses that song...steals the show...Huh!
Lad has got an ear for a tune...listen to early unheralded polished punchy hard Punk rock
Don't ever underestimate this's a solid Punk kicker & all know it!
Of course tbb has this LP as well...
Warner's keyboardist John Denison formed The DA's (Sydney > re : MC 5 Sound)
9th Sept 2012 > Ultra Rare review...salute Wallaby Beat...good stuff...
From DA's grabbed brother on form Howling Commandos
You will hear they keep this classic polished MC5...sound...but rebrand it as their own...
Their keyboard player is from Screaming Tribesmen...( Gurus Link )
swellnet drum circle tbb informs their crunchy drummer kick'd on with hard hitting Voodoo Lust.
Drummer Michael McCallum > clearly among the best of the day...insane intensity...luv that
That wild Guitarist is Tony Gibson still plays in Sydney Band ~The Naked Lunch...
So ya got some shit hot hard hitting players...more than capable of ramping MC5 / Birdman...
tbb is a player of this era...can share more insight on this record...
Can personally vouch that 2nd track salutes Stiv Bators / Dead Boys - Lords of the New Church
No doubt about it...a quality tribute at that!
Enjoy Howling Commandos
udo, 1736854815
blackers, 1736894845
Nice one TBB, hadn't heard those guys. Voodoo Lust are another matter.
truebluebasher, 1736906266
Quality 1980's Newcastle Outfit > Turnaround
Say...wasn't this band on that Massively successful 'Body & Soul' Soundtrack...
So how come no one knows anything about them tbb...
Well...that's the million dollar question isn't...all others became household names...
But this band sounds heaps better...well...ya might wanna keep that a secret huh!
Please don't tell the other bands that...FFS! Just know what tbb said...
Pair of super cool pop tunes that fell kicked to the curb like a pup!
First track has unusual '60's New wave / Psych Pop Cred
2nd track has a cool Live Sunnyboys Vibe...really dig their beat...
This is a solid unit with high quality pop what the fuck happened here!
Surely the producers were obligated to give this Newcastle band a fair ride...
But tbb can inform the band seems to have folded in same no bounce or support?
Traced one player into merging 60's Club > 1983 tribute acts coming on..."Generation"
Crew may know Quality Tribute bands (Beatnix) gloved the Church / Sunnyboys
Original Bands / Pub Punters were impressed by Quality Oz ripped > Club Do overs...
So there was a lure of regular pay cheques in these Club Tribute Acts...
Anyhow > Industry did seem to back slap this lot...thought we could right Oz '80's history...
Give the Newcastle Lads their time in the sun...mostly as they do put out quality trax as a band.
truebluebasher, 1736912662
Everybody I know has to wrestle a boa constrictor
truebluebasher, 1736985396
Mystery Song Request...
2 dead keen surf buddies score empty RiF 010 frosty tops in the middle of a ghost town...
They dig in some more & cue a Swamp Track to score a prime downunder spot on Ben's rad!
Gromz take notice of keen Hodads...that's how ya advance to next level Surf Stoke...badge of Honour!
Luv everything 'bout this dirty session...turn turgid mundane drudge into a surf safari...supastoked!
That's tbb's kinda dead keen epic Surf Vid...Ghost town Zombies hangin' off every cool.
Up close & personal dedication & that Leggie Loop crisis...Fark...thought he was a goner...stunt double!
Dude prefers to surf on one leg for hanging on the edge of yer seat No...close yer eyes! Fark!
His creepy mate has a natural talent for lurking out...he's behind he's trippin' ya up...OMG!
Watch how Lads boss this & pull an even keener audience with sidewall Locals Only Paparazzi claims....Insane!
You'll work up a sweat watchin' this...frothin' at the mouth...reachin' for a Solo!
Luv these slasher film end of reel flickerz....looks so job.
These guys should be packaging the CT ...Spades of Surf Cred...
Feel so jealous...Dick Dastardly just stole the whole Tour & put it in a shoe deliciously evil...
Never had so much fun watchin' a surf vid...from inside his sewer pipe is it...
Request song and or Artist / Band...any clue will do...
Sounds like a cross between Kurt / Tex / Nick ( Stark dark brooding Lyrics + Cramps-Swamp sound)
Should know this...C'mon...
Sounds so familiar...don't it...
blackers, 1736987816
Here you go TBB- "Blacked out" by Lemme Adams.
truebluebasher, 1737017649
Cheers blackers....that's some seriously composed comatosed ceremonial procession.
Very original...
Shades of 60's Blank Gen funeral procession of Killing Joke but can kick like King Loser / Cat Empire
Has obscure solo swagger of Frank Black / Dave Graney / Ed Kuepper
Music is always craft their own sound...can't fault their dedication to the cause.
They want their own sound & none sound like them...rare thing to say.
Got some insane dynamic sound compositions...deep meaningful lyric...
Can hear they're underground connoisseurs...
Reckon they'd freak out if folk dig them...they do accept compliments...but it seems to throw them.
Like we hit 1,000 likes...that's a bummer man...fuck that shit...can't have everything!
Lemme Adams dedicates ceremonial procession....kinda like healing tributes to damaged folk...
What comes across as smacked out trash is comatosed composure.
Gorilla Back is some serious Surf Psych Trash is that far out...get onto that sound wave.
Summer Sun / Bummer / Victim
* Single Beaches + Sunset ( Surf Intoxia instrumental tributes )
udo, 1737078090
basesix, 1737103428
(wouldn't want to get too commercial or anything.. but I was just reading #39 of the munster times (from last year), and there's a good interview with jim ruland,
about how he tried to find not-too-burned-bridges to write his book about SST Records, and came to value the underappreciated drummers' perspectives and overviews of the bands, the label, the scene and what was what.. anyone had a read of the book?)
basesix, 1737105601
some good friday fluggery stuff, described by Matt Ryan of the Munster Times as buzzcock sensibilities meets wreckless eric storytelling
"Mick Trouble - Here's the Mick Trouble LP [Full album, 2019]"
blackers, 1737107169
Restless Eric leads to .... Restless Legs, Half man half biscuit and an ode to Eraserhead.
truebluebasher, 1737152244
9th Oct 1996 Brisbane Sex Pistols Gig
Parked the car...walking across dark city street...some snarly punk clocks ya...
Of all the Punkz in Qld it's...
#1 threatening Goldie Punk > a real piece of work...Social Cancer scary!
10 years on hook up with yer band have smashing night at pistols gig!
Crew serve up Pistols > Prison Stone walls > Lynching > Wreckless Eric > Buzzcocks...
tbb will give it a bash...computa spits out this track...
Think of it as an end of line social end product...Wreckless/Punk/Buzzcock/Pistol...
Even that yob rocker Wreckless Eric can serve up a gnarly end of days Punk Song!
basesix, 1737195118
sold out, and a thronging line currently out front of the old bar, fitzroy, (on the cusp of a japanese tour)... make of it what you will...
"don't thank me, spank me - habitual"
edit: replaced 'habitual' with the above.. 'sandy'.. little bit more interesting.. maybe..
indo-dreaming, 1737237194
Anyone got any cool Spotify mixes to share?
Im in a social media group that votes on indie/alternative albums from the each year in the 90s, they just completed results for 94 and some guy did this Spotify mix based of the top 66 albums, a few songs from each album working from number one backwards. (not sure why he picked 66 to stop at there was hundreds of albums in the results)
Look's like a great mix, half i know half i dont, i always find a mix with songs you know and some you dont is a good way to explore and put time into music you otherwise wouldn't.
basesix, 1737237365
I don't do spotify, but had a glance at the '94 playlist, impressed built to spill are on it.
indo-dreaming, 1737268157
Yeah group has pretty indie taste below's the top 20 results.
I think the playlist only takes the top ten in order.
Offspring, Green day, Oasis, Pearl Jam all came in below 40 to over one hundred, i think in most list they would all come in the top ten.
stunet, 1737277505
Listened to a large chunk of it while doing yard work this arvy. Wasn't my version of 1994, bit too US-centric, not enough weird or heavy stuff, and considering the physicality of the work I was doing I could've done with the support of a 185 BPM kick drum with twin guitars through heavy distortion pedals, or at least the belief I was 22 again.
Dug the Drive Like Jehu and Shellac entries.
indo-dreaming, 1737280437
Yeah it's a very USA indie style mix.
I have mixes for most years in the 90s here's my mix from 94, little bit more varied but heaviest i go is Melvins, Kyuss
R00ney, 1737285662
[quote=stunet]...Dug the Drive Like Jehu and Shellac entries.[/quote]
Fk yes!
GuySmiley, 1737287565
^^ hey @indo is that a photo of you and your family in your Spotify account? Might want to ask @stu to remove your post if it is, cheers
truebluebasher, 1737302287
1994 Oz trio that would easily slot Top 100 on Alt Chart.
All good enough for old punker tbb to buy off the shelf back in the day...
Just sayin' if yer short of Oz selection...happy to add these high quality trax...
Kitty's sis...was produced by Armiger & has crowded house drummer Hester...
Rebecca has Black Sorrows Luscombe on drums
Long Deserved Focus on Nick Barker...
Reptile Smile Nick bass from Melbourne Goths 1980 Curse/d + 1982 Beach House
1994 Solo track Timebomb ( Alt Goth Rocker! Still Kicks Arse!)
Nick's current band The Wreckery ~ Smack me Down..(This is cool also!)
indo-dreaming, 1737321338
[quote=GuySmiley]^^ hey @indo is that a photo of you and your family in your Spotify account? Might want to ask @stu to remove your post if it is, cheers[/quote]
I could easily just change the pic, but it's on a public space and ive got no issues with it being there and my missus post our pics of family etc on open Instagram accounts etc so doesn't either.
Supafreak, 1737360243
@indo, have ya still got the mullet ? I remember you posting a photo of the whole family years ago but can’t remember if ya had a mullet in that one .
indo-dreaming, 1737363565
Ha ha WTF?
I think you must be thinking of someone else, iv'e never had a mullet.
basesix, 1737364183
what? never had hi-top converse, stretch levis and a mullet while listening to public enemy on a walkman?? haven't lived, mate.
indo-dreaming, 1737364991
I came close would have been about 88 as i remember writing Sk8 88 everywhere, and i use to listen to Public enemy and Run DMC etc often on a walkman, had hi-tops too, but only cheap rip offs before i latter got some vision street wear ones.
But no mullet, more just a bit of an under cut, that latter became a very serious undercut with a very long fringe.
Supafreak, 1737365988
[quote=indo-dreaming]Ha ha WTF?
I think you must be thinking of someone else, iv'e never had a mullet.[/quote]
Oh ok , just looked like you have one in that Spotify link .
indo-dreaming, 1737366303
Now you say that i can see what you mean, nah it's just my sunnies flipped up on my head pinning my hair back creating that effect.
BTW. Old pic from when my daughter was young she is now ten.
blackers, 1737370794
It looked the full Billy Ray, Indo, but will take you at your word.
I play the Spotify game, listen to the discover weekly playlist and pick up a few fems each time. Case in point, who does this sound like?
blackers, 1737371815
This is fun too
seeds, 1737372095
[quote=blackers]It looked the full Billy Ray, Indo, but will take you at your word.
I play the Spotify game, listen to the discover weekly playlist and pick up a few fems each time. Case in point, who does this sound like?
basesix, 1737372263
^^ reckon tacocat've got hold of joe turpel's pronunciation of Hawaii'aiaii
blackers, 1737372664
I was thinking Ian Riland and (Australian) X, but there's you go, ask a question....
You are a strange man Seeds, but funny
blackers, 1737373265
So, some for Seeds.
seeds, 1737373355
(pick your)God I can’t claim that. Someone here posted that yonks ago. Facto or Jelly maybe. I found it hilarious and catchy.
seeds, 1737373710
Thanks Blackers. New to me. That first one had me old man dancing and second one sinking into the lounge head nodding.
basesix, 1737377055
a few levels here. trends move faster now.. don't they? isn't that what we reckon?
yet, time-wise, craving music from the mid 1990s today is like preferring songs from the mid 1930s when the Beatles broke. Many did. My parents' parents probably did. Irving Berlin over John Lennon. And you can understand why, I guess, the uglier/harder the world seems, + the less energy/time we have to engage, the more we crave more simple/familiar times, probably. The attached youtube comments from this 2011 post (and the green mile quote a few lines down, and responses) seem to suggest that this is the case.
truebluebasher, 1737381244
1992 Alt ventures...only fair for Qldurrz to dig this one out...ultra alternative film...
Verge (Alt Brizzo Gabba Film/Soundtrack) by David Barker (Studio Curve)
tbb has this weird rare iconic CD Soundtrack...happy to share Track List / Recording...
Track 1: Infant by Shaun Witcher ( Well played instrumental...great start!)
Track 2 : Indian II by R.F.BRAHM (Vital Doomsday Clever Floyd Wall Type Groove!)
Track 3 : [ Sea of Doom by Gluemill ] Standout track (Gotta feeling : Goldie Band or members)
Tributes (Sling it) Steve Harley Sea Shanty with desperate Drawl / Distorted cool whip drum patterns.
Ripper Qld track...well worth hunting down...surprising timeless mature 70's- 90's prog grunge kicker.
Track has it's own sound locked inside a Ship's Bottle...a crashing curio to hold to yer ear like a seashell.
Track 4 : Verge > Title track by Milch > If yer into Weird Goth Chix...this is up there with the best...VG!
Track 5 : Big Hot Sun by Pangaea (Premier Prog Metal will please Sound Garden / BHS fans)
Track 6 : 9:25 by Dripping Magnet (Real clever dirty Grunge!) Kicks hard like > Adult Now - Neds.
Track 7 : Living Breathing Mistake by Dreamkillers (Heavy pounding Sleeper > re: Feature Vid Track!)
Track 8 : Canope of Blue by Brasilia (Big Atmospheric Trance > Killing Joke / Single Gun Theory)
Track 9 : Energy Crisis by Shaun Witcher (Pretty sure T1/T9 plays as Start/End Instrumental!)
Listen at start (Inside) before the Dreamkillers Bong Session > then hear similar again (Outside)..
Woolloongabba Streetscape (Payphone/Taxi) T1/T9 Shaun Witcher Background Theme playing.
Note : tbb's CD has 'Shaun' Witcher Spelling in case yer we'll include both if it helps!
If yer a serious Oz prog collector this obscure soundtrack will satisfy...if ya see it...just kill to get it.
Someone knew very much what they were creating & it will go down as Qld's solid slab Alt Art attack.
1992 Verge : West End Music Ampex / Velvet Urge records W'Gabba
Read YouTube Comments...Fav 90's CD / Awesome Songs but can't find it on the net...hang in there...
As you'd guess...this is not typical of the day & is considered an ultra rare production for Qld Punkz.
Happy to share whatever intro this is...thanx to Goldie tbb from swellnet drum circle...
Makeshift isolated Outpost with threadbare for now...this is where 'Verge' lives.
It's a start...making progress...gotta be happy with that...
Bens Tunesmiths are stoked to hold the fort...Enjoy yer quest...get after this gem...yew!
truebluebasher, 1737383325
indo-dreaming, 1737588363
Anyone remember what surf video this was off? (Expect late 80s early 90's)
I know and love the song, not familiar with the band though, so it must be on a surf video, but just cant recall what one or the section.
mikehunt207, 1737589573
[quote=indo-dreaming]Anyone remember what surf video this was off? (Expect late 80s early 90's)
I know and love the song, not familiar with the band though, so it must be on a surf video, but just cant recall what one or the section.[/quote]
Maybe Rubber Soul? Familiar for sure
stunet, 1737589590
[quote=indo-dreaming]Anyone remember what surf video this was off? (Expect late 80s early 90's)
I know and love the song, not familiar with the band though, so it must be on a surf video, but just cant recall what one or the section.[/quote]
Was popular among my group of friends but I don't recall it in a surf video.
Hiccups, 1737591021
[quote=stunet][quote=indo-dreaming]Anyone remember what surf video this was off? (Expect late 80s early 90's)
I know and love the song, not familiar with the band though, so it must be on a surf video, but just cant recall what one or the section.[/quote]
Was popular among my group of friends but I don't recall it in a surf video.[/quote]
It gets a good run in Nightmare on Elm Street 4, and possibly a Billabong video.
stunet, 1737593249
Circling back to Indo's link to '94 Spotify mix which had me wondering what I was listening too. Not much that was current, however Prince Andrew on 2SER's late night Train To Skaville show introduced me to these guys. Their second CD came out in '94.
Trivia: Pablo Honey, Radiohead's debut album, is named after a Jerky Boys skit.
indo-dreaming, 1737595483
[quote=stunet]Circling back to Indo's link to '94 Spotify mix which had me wondering what I was listening too. Not much that was current, however Prince Andrew on 2SER's late night Train To Skaville show introduced me to these guys. Their second CD came out in '94.
Trivia: Pablo Honey, Radiohead's debut album, is named after a Jerky Boys skit.[/quote]
Yeah these guys use to get played on RRR & 3PBS in Melb too, there is also a movie (never seen in) and a soundtrack that has a few good songs like this one.
indo-dreaming, 1737595697
Asked some mates about that song, and everyone knows it but cant place it to what surf video.
For some reason i had it in my mind it was on Gripping Stuff or something, but who knows, normally when i hear the song i can picture the surfing but not in this case.
GuySmiley, 1737599744
Canada punching above its weight with Leonard Cohen, Joni Michell, Neil Young and the @a-info "hot" Surfrajettes hahaha
indo-dreaming, 1737605280
They actually dont sound too bad for something different, and im a bit of a sucker for some surf guitar.
icandig, 1737614114
Dig it up baby. Gurus are on tonight in G-Town with Magic Dirt.
Should be a fun night.
basesix, 1737618550
here y'all go for a challenge. I stuck some, erm, ‘on-purpose noise’ I’m gonna call it, on the 'other vids' thread. But I'll put this here.. and include a review from the StewMag ‘zine below.. *try* sticking it on while you're on a bus or on a drive (not loud, just medium), and see what it does..
here’s the live recording ‘DUI 160524’ by Illawarra Most Wanted (QLD)
(jeez, you’ll firkin love this, @icandig ; )
“The quiet of the room, a polite ‘thank you James’ and Illawarra Most Wanted swagger their way to something wicked and special. It sounds to me like a bunch of stoned prison guards having a jam while someone brutally butchers their cellmate with a pointy toothbrush. It’s all fantastically deconstructed and unhurried, relishing in apathy for convention, Yvette’s voice conjuring four-dimensional guttural demonscapes against instrumentals that move in malcontent before ceding into inevitable texture, repetition, feedback.
This is probably the way Slint’s way cooler friends sounded but alas nol cares coz nol had the foresight for a YouTube documentary. The jazz-ier reprisals and climax towards the closing song echo post-hardcore and as the band themselves offers, post-screamo, but this gear is more situated in freewheeling experimental and avant sensibilities than anything. The crowd talks in the background, cheer when the vocals kick in and the liveliness of everything imbues the ‘songs’ with an immediacy and authenticity. Such qualifiers are useful only to say that this is unlike anything I’ve listened to in a while and probably one of my favourite releases of the year”.
Stew Magazine August 2024
GuySmiley, 1737619152
Anyone else into this great Melbourne band?
They have a new album out … here playing a cover of a classic Velvet Underground song
blackers, 1737620746
[quote=GuySmiley]Anyone else into this great Melbourne band?
Yes, like the Pebbles, good to hear of a new release.
zenagain, 1737621324
Nice one Guy.
Love the lady in front- dancing like nobodies watching.
One thing I really miss about home is live music in a beergarden.
nickca, 1737624617
Haven’t seen mallets on a kit for quite some time! Sorry if the terminology is wrong!
nickca, 1737624698
Haven’t seen mallets on a kit for quite some time! Sorry if the terminology is wrong!
Arnold Horshack, 1737641435
Not sure if these guys have come up throughout this thread, but been very much digging Naxatras..... great guitar tones and a nice heavy-at-times groove
basesix, 1737674038
digging your Greek mates Naxatras, @AH, wonderful surf-adjacent sounds..
not suiting my current urban environs, but I'll enjoy it when I get home. I can see this being a pearler to have on in the hilux, driving home through the forest dodging roos and wombats after playing pool with bob at the the german club.
basesix, 1737674459
actually, scratch that, this track goes well with Vic Markets, made them feel much more interesting.. (could say it put the 'pot' in eating at the Mussel Pot..)
TheWhoSellOut, 1737681215
Bandway- Four Day Weekend
truebluebasher, 1737782901
1990's rare alt alt fuck'd up Sampler Comps that make no sense...
Well the hell is this gonna end idea promise...anyone game...let's rock!
tbb has recycled rubbish off the road > now this Lucky dip CD....
tbb's private stock...just dug this one out & bringing it up right now...
Reason : Online Oz Anomaly / Curio...should be fun...
Track listing is mental > It's all wrong & needs 100% complete correction
1994 Shock Records [ CORTEX ] Sampler (Made in Oz)
Crew can zoom in to verify it's totally different Trax on Disc to Sleeve...Ok!
tbb will fix that now ...
Here's the correct Track Listing for Oz Shock / Cortex Sampler.
#1 Magnapop / Slowly Slowly
#2 Charlatans / Can't get outta bed
#3 Lush / Hypocryte
#4 Five Eight / Mystery James
#5 Sebadoh / Rebound
#6 Supersuckers / Creepy Jackalope Eye
#7 Jesus Lizard / Fly on the Wall
#8 Pale Saints / Fine Friend
#9 Veruca Salt / All Hail Me (Feature Punk Chix Track)
#10 Come / In-Out (Standout Mystery Track)
#11 New Fads / Life is like an Accident
#12 Golden Palominos / Little Suicides
#13 Channel Zero / Heroin
#14 Silver Jews / Rebel Jew
Feature Punk Chix Track (Wow! That is Punk!)
Ben's Tunesmiths shine Spotlight on Standout Mystery Track...
Who is this kickarse unit...COME ...
This took some work just to wrangle this recently released 'remaster'..
Goddamn salute Fire Records for not re-touching this! Keep yer hands off it...
Of interest is tbb's timing > This Bi / Army Directives...round we go again...Wow!
That makes this redo a red hot item...back in the news for sure! Frontline Unit...
Wotz this...
Crew Salute { Bonus swellnet drum circle Mystery Track } Wow!...thanx tbb...
For real > Right Now > Backdooring in 54321 hang in got it...Go for it...
Come ~ Loin of the Surf (Instrumental) This is impossibly a red hot dedication...(See Below)
Click on them YouTube links for LP (Come ~ Don't Ask Don't Tell),_Don%27t_Tell_(album)
Super Rare ***** Ultra Rad Surf Safari... (From Above Surf Track Dedication)
UK / Swell Maps ~ Loin of The Surf (Original) Wot the hell is this tbb...
Gotta end this somewhere...dump the crew here & run...see ya! OMG...tbb...
Said it's a safari...suck it up...crew already know way too much...
TheWhoSellOut, 1737783492
Tbb Come had Thalia from Dangerous Birds and Live Skull. Chris from Codeine. Sean from Kilkenny cats (who recently rereleased on Propeller records some old recordings). Arthur from Bar b-q-killers.
The singer of Bbq killers, Laura, joined Jack o Nuts afterwards. The guitarist of Jack o Nuts drums and sings in Bandway, whose song Four Day Weekend, I posted above your comment.
seeds, 1737794541
My son put me onto this fella.
There’s about six songs from this gig.
Blackers might like this.
I doubt it.
seeds, 1737797075
Apologies to some I guess.
Oh my Aussie guys and girls are so good looking.
I really like this song.
It’s been years since I’ve heard it.
indo-dreaming, 1737798819
Its rarely by choice that i listen to Cold chisel or Aussie Crawl, but when i do hear them played, it's funny i enjoy them a lot more than i expect i would.
I love this song.
basesix, 1737800581
I'm in a playful band-name/philosophical-essay-title mood, and this is a good 'un: "It's rarely by choice that i listen to cold chisel "
blackers, 1737801197
[quote=basesix]I'm in a playful band-name/philosophical-essay-title mood, and this is a good 'un: "It's rarely by choice that i listen to cold chisel "[/quote]
How about
" I'd rather take a cold chisel to my ears than listen to...."
You can fill in the gap.
blackers, 1737801552
[quote=seeds]My son put me onto this fella.
There’s about six songs from this gig.
Blackers might like this.
I doubt it.[/quote]
Thanks seeds, will have a geez.
seeds, 1737801955
[quote=blackers][quote=basesix]I'm in a playful band-name/philosophical-essay-title mood, and this is a good 'un: "It's rarely by choice that i listen to cold chisel "[/quote]
How about
" I'd rather take a cold chisel to my ears than listen to...."
You can fill in the gap.[/quote]
Oh come on guys. They are good. Bloody shame the bogans adopted them.
seeds, 1737802635
Arnold Horshack, 1737804786
Agree Seeds, they've got some fucking great songs.
Arnold Horshack, 1737805149
In my early years there were those that were into motors and those that were into waves. Motors loved Cold Chisel, the others Aussie Crawl. Chisel, in my opinion, were twice the band crawl were....
seeds, 1737809841
Woot woot. Love it. Great username
truebluebasher, 1737825588
tbb's turn to get the next round...same again...Yep! Yeah! Ok! Thanx!
Fark...gotta demolish the mosh ...That's tbb's kinda drink spiking.
Just tell the crew they run outta Kegz...only servin' up Dregz!
Here crew...Scored a coupla top shelf Oz Pub Rock Knock Offs for [ Made in China Day ]
Wotz this shit tbb...did you spike our drinks...sure sounds like it...
Dead Australian of the Year..."Oz Day really was Wonderful!" {R.I.P}
Oopsie...Too soon tbb...
Yeah! Better offer an Apology to Simon's cult of afternoon stoners still in morning mode!
campbell, 1737851508
Had a flashback on Indo,s clip , might have been on Savage Cuts ? 1 or 2 , lot that style music
indo-dreaming, 1737852225
Definitely not on Savage Cuts 2, i still have the original video.
Heres the tracks on it, i never saw Savage cuts 1
Well actually i found it in an op shop a few years ago and had to buy it for nostalgia reasons, it was a classic video amongst the crew i grew up with, as it was the first original video (not taped copy) any of us ever owned, so it was used as a barter tool for all kinds of things, and changed hands many times.
Killer soundtrack
basesix, 1737857173
^ unreal vhs, $50-$100 on ebay when they come up.
couple of crunchy bands from yesterday, cheers again @blackers, the joint never fails to deliver and top-up this country boy.. in this case in being amid special-flock costume jewelry and feeling satisfied that the turbojugend kids are alright.
Enzyme from Melbs (this footage when USA west coast was being 40-degrees-hot last year)
Exit-Ploom from Brizzy, if mega-muppet Sweetums was skinny and swayed more
Happy Ozzy Day biyatches!
truebluebasher, 1737875689
basesix, 1738142691
my son's not the greatest singer (in conventional terms, he's one of mine, of course), but has taken to artful whistling.. challenged him to knock out this lick..
(not a bad hump day boogie, in the evening cool).
zenagain, 1738145768
I love a good whistle.
One of the reasons I upped stumps.
basesix, 1738146666
haha, nice @zen, WOMADelaide in a month, always guaranteed a shamisen and shakuhachi.. just watched To Die For on SBS on demand.. geez the 90s were a thing. I think we just think it was a boring decade, cos we were there. here's a nice track for Washing Away ABBA licks, from above movie..
truebluebasher, 1738147063
1994 Alt Comp //PUNKORAMA\\ Think there is a few of these...
tbb has this first one...
Trax 5/7/11/13/15/16 are pretty good + these 2 featured trax
Surprise Kicker : Offspring ~ Session (Quality High Energy Punker)
Mystery Track :
Focus on > Gas Huffer ~ Crooked Bird ( Rare Creepy Kooky Punkz )
Kinda flips Surfin' Bird...certainly as cool in every way!
Compromise in the Dark ~ showcases the bands cool layering > (Like The Godfathers...Luv this!)
The Princess > one of them Zany racey tunes within a Live magician's Show...
Picked this band coz their unique odd curio a barrel girl show theme...
basesix, 1738149044
^ Nailbomb Sepultura Wasting Away Brazzo punk in a Joaquin Phoenix and Nicole Kidman film.
(just putting words here for the google machine) Tarantino did to movies what the Chilli Peppers did to music.. the commodification of alt made it lispy, pale and fit for future chinese boxer shorts. Not one of his, this 'un; Gus Van Sant is a filmmaker, not a collage artist.
(love the term 'curio sound' @tbb, sounds like steampunk, but more affordable and less self-conscious)
(actually To Die For had Sweet Home Alabama in it, so swings n roundabouts.. reckon Gus ok-ed a dissonant string sound and kept it short though.)
Patrick, 1738150251
One of the bands from Savage Cuts 2.
There used to be a video of it on rage but can't find it on youtube.
Patrick, 1738150792
truebluebasher, 1738154388
swellnet drum circle salute
US secretary of Defence axes his first Bi Axeman / Drummer.
basesix, 1738461859
Nirvana, the gift that keeps giving.. Fire Aid LA
some pretty rocking 60/70 year-old energy in it. Enjoyed this way more than I expected. Great comments section: 'Kurt would have dug it, no Teen Sprit and messy as fuck', etc.. old GOAT Grohl getting a bit of a puff up, doesn't look like he's rocked at all for the last 5 weeks ; )
(ha, reckon Grohl got the techs to sabotage everyone but Violet's in-ear monitors?)
thermalben, 1738470906
Haha! Yeah seems that way.. though those multiple-short-set-quick-changeover gigs (with rotating vocalists!) are a pain in the arse at the best of times.
That was a great version of All Apologies.. Violet has a great voice and captivating stage presence.
truebluebasher, 1738479084
Bens Tunesmiths said hurry up with that pain in the arse rotating vocalists short set changeover gig.
Apologies Boss...just go with the flow!
truebluebasher, 1738492302
'90's Alt Comps (Series)
1993 Deafening Divinities with Aural Affinities 1&2 (Beggars Banquet)
Psych Goth Comps.
Click the CD photos to bring up Booklets
Start with Goth Masterpiece by (Bauhaus vocalist Peter Murphy) : Cuts You Up!
Mystery Bands on #2
Sun Dial : Star Baby (Additional) White Stone
Polyphemus~ The Sea Map
seeds, 1738507587
No one is awake but Rage is going nuts with metal right now on ABC.
blackers, 1738665112
Some newish Dublin sounds.
basesix, 1738731721
picked up today @blackers, cheers legend!
blackers, 1738741160
Glad to hear it B6. . Some relaxed tunes for my mid week go slow.
seeds, 1738759007
thermalben, 1738797369
"THE DRONES will reunite for the first time in nine years for two shows in Melbourne with a bunch of our mates. These shows are a fundraiser for a dear friend to improve their life circumstances in a time of need. All proceeds, aside from venue hire and ticketing fees, will go directly to the cause."
The Drones || Paul Kelly & Dan Kelly || Don Walker
The Nation Blue || ModCon || Cease And Desist DJs
The Croxton Bandroom, Melbourne May 28th and 29th
Can't wait! Only bummer is that Paul/Dan are on one night and Don is on another (I want to see all three of 'em!) but in addition to The Drones, it'll be great to see The Nation Blue, I haven't seen 'em for probably twenty years.
Hiccups, 1738798749
[quote=thermalben]"THE DRONES will reunite for the first time in nine years for two shows in Melbourne with a bunch of our mates. These shows are a fundraiser for a dear friend to improve their life circumstances in a time of need. All proceeds, aside from venue hire and ticketing fees, will go directly to the cause."
The Drones || Paul Kelly & Dan Kelly || Don Walker
The Nation Blue || ModCon || Cease And Desist DJs
The Croxton Bandroom, Melbourne May 28th and 29th
Can't wait! Only bummer is that Paul/Dan are on one night and Don is on another (I want to see all three of 'em!) but in addition to The Drones, it'll be great to see The Nation Blue, I haven't seen 'em for probably twenty years.[/quote]
Huge! Tom from the Nation Blue has (another) new band, Metho, who are playing around atm. Been playing songs from his last, and very very good solo album, Raging Head, and other new stuff. Band features Jackson from Split System, Jay from Mid Youth Crisis/Fuck...I'm Dead/The Kill etc and CJ Foley from the Stevens. Get on it. (Not their publicist)
basesix, 1738878837
the only accom within staggering distance of the croxton, a 2 b-r townhouse, has been snapped up 27-30th. someone doing it in style. may be even blowing a load on both nights.
blackers, 1738887481
[quote=basesix]the only accom within staggering distance of the croxton, a 2 b-r townhouse, has been snapped up 27-30th. someone doing it in style. may be even blowing a load on both nights.[/quote]
Public transport options aplenty. Stay in one of your usual haunts.
basesix, 1738890020
wasn't going to make this one, busy time for me, always fun to have a look though.
(lucky I wasn't gagging for it, both shows sold out.)
truebluebasher, 1738984554
Keep Live Melbourne Bands thread going...
The Ground Components wear an unusual prestigious label of being [Uniquely Melbourne]
Another band from tbb's Alt Bin...but this Track is way blown away by this Mega Monster...
Most of the band's stock & trade is off key Punk / R&B Jam Sessions for Festivals & big tour acts...
Band was about from 2002-2007...can any crew share more on this Live wire act.
Coz they really do pack a punch...happy to hunt down this Mystery Melbourne Megasaurus!
Band could give Roary a breather to Power up yer Wave Pool...ramp some heavy sounding tidal waves
YouTube comment : { Pretty fucking amazing song! }
Another Comment : { Rock and Fucking Roll! }
Agree that the Artzy Melbourne Vid is also a perfect companion...goes off like a bomb...{Kaboom!}
Ben's Tunesmith's luv that 'Unique Melbourne Sound'...our components have been well'n'truly grounded.
blackers, 1738987095
Nice one TBB, I have heard of them but can't say I saw them play, kiddies were bubs in that era so no playtime for me.
Heard this the other day, popped up in my insta feed. Not my usual cup of tea but some pretty awesome fretboard work and allround groovy goodness going on. Short and sweet.
Dazzza, 1738989916
basesix, 1738995434
I notice Apple Cider Vinegar ep 1 has dropped on Netflix, @RK.
here's an early (unrelated) Apple Cider song from Beabadoobee.
coming to a Laneway Festival near you.
truebluebasher, 1739009841
Why not lock in some weird unknown Oz Alt Chix Supergroup ...[ SPLINTER ]
Focus on ... Strange Parade ep.
Suzie Higgie : (Canberra) Rock Xcert Band : The Falling Joys (Check Brilliant LP Psychohum!)
Anrdea Croft (WA Country/pop) The Honeys / Catherine Wheel
= [Splinter]
Autumn 1991 : Hiding away in tbb's Alt pile...gonna polish up this gem...
Can offer up the whole Alt Sisters Supergroup ep...Recorded up in that mystical Blue Mountains studio...
Doubt if any are gonna dig this up outside of Ben's Tunes...
Trust tbb...has a real cool vibe...some may recall this...see how ya go...enjoy!
Kinda teams with 1991 The Clouds (Got it!) cue Soul Eater (Chix night in...Yew!)
tbb got that Record too...Super Cool!
So we got these Oz Chix competing with Sonic Youth etc...& our Gurlz put out...Go For it!
Quality recording...long overdue to Salute & enjoy these Oz pioneering Splinter Sisters
Some real deluxe layering on this Splinter ep...
blackers, 1739012825
I hear you TBB.
And one seeds may like.
basesix, 1739050775
I don't want to comment, good to keep the music on the homepage, but lest this thread drop off the homepage completely, loving the direction it's been taking. cheers as always @tbb.
Dazzza, 1739053091
truebluebasher, 1739074402
Wow! Guys...this is some damn fine session...happily crack open the private reserve...
Top Shelf...think the missus or neighbour confiscated tbb's fav 1993 Comp CD [SPARK]
Bloody Furious...Where the Hell is my fav CD...
If ya see this '90's CD Briz Bands Comp [SPARK] ya gotta sell yer house to have it...
1994 Goldie BDO Boiler Room went into Meltdown..
Dream Poppies lure in their prey...OMG this band has an infectious sound...
Ya hear them in the distance & fly threw the air knocking everyone over...outta my way little people...
Land face first in the mosh & yer now front row drooling...
If ya haven't guessed tbb is seranading another Chix Band...
This is a local Brizzo Chix band that tbb has seen & went ga ga!
Once again...another secret mystery band with a way fewer YouTube views...,than just a few!
But they will blow yer tiny minds...
Like how come this wasn't #1 Track in Oz for months on end...What gives?
All yer fav powerpop bands rolled into one group
But how is that even possible...from first listen you'll be mesmerized...
Think how does this band hum & buzz neath our Police State Radar.
Outsmarting all other Brizbands to claim our best Alt Band Title...
Can promise least Youtube views for each track tbb cues = #1 Alt Band
Dream Poppies ~ Cool You Down (Yes Please...Oh man, that hits the spot...Brizzo sound therapy!)
Another Way
Dream Poppies 1992-1999 Sampler $20 > (Today!) Free for Ben's Tunesmiths...(Shh!)
Listen to clever razor sharp pop cult politico lyrics & riffs...
Almost like a posh Melbourne Band but from Brisbane...say wot!
They're too good for Brisbane...Please won't someone love them...
Very cute'n'clever power pop band...ticks all yer fav alt band boxes!
Stoked to present Dream Poppies...yer Next Fav band...Luv all their Old Stuff + any of their stuff...Shh!
blackers, 1739079253
Nice one TBB. Will have to do a deeper dive.
Down a notch and a bit sideways, but mentioned in passing above and in the "I can't believe its not the 90's" thread, these guys are pretty good.
Exxotixjeff, 1739179267
Eric Claptons hero J J Cale
basesix, 1739344701
thanks, @jef, you made me get out some sentimental 80s pop faves.. has raised a little observation -
these songs were both released the same year, 1987. How's the clip similarities.. some camp cyberpunk gang zeitgeist? (actually, reckon Bad was 87... so, yeh, haha.. two years after thunderdome).
Bowie's film clip by Tim Pope (of 37 cure videos fame), the accompanying Glass Spider tour choreographed by Toni Basil.
New Order's filmclip choreographed by frenchy Philippe Decouflé (a large spectacle choreographer) who won best clip at the Brits in 88 for it.
Exxotixjeff, 1739346464
[quote=basesix]thanks, @jef, you made me get out some sentimental 80s pop faves.. has raised a little observation -
these songs were both released the same year, 1987. How's the clip similarities.. some camp cyberpunk gang zeitgeist? (actually, reckon Bad was 87... so, yeh, haha.. two years after thunderdome).
Bowie's film clip by Tim Pope (of 37 cure videos fame), the accompanying Glass Spider tour choreographed by Toni Basil.
New Order's filmclip choreographed by frenchy Philippe Decouflé (a large spectacle choreographer) who won best clip at the Brits in 88 for it.[/quote]
Yes cool beat on the New Order,
Similar film clips, simulated violence?
Not sure if they enhanced the music or not?@
This a lot more up to date
North East Party. House
basesix, 1739348255
um. yes. got me there. it is without-a-doubt an 'a lot more up to date' music. i might go drop it in @indo's grunge 2.0 party..
..actually, now I'm listening to it, if I was to wake up at 2am, go through to the kitchen and peruse my vast tea collection, decide I have the energy and inclination to knock out a handmade genmaicha using sencha and popping my own organic brown rice.. I reckon this would absolutely be the up-to-date track I'd choose to chillax with.
(I agree with what you said re rotating favourites @jef, very healthy, gotta evolve..)
Exxotixjeff, 1739348997
[quote=basesix]um. yes. got me there. it is absolutely an a lot more up to date music. i might go drop it in @indo's grunge 2.0 party..
..actually, now I'm listening to it, if I was to wake up at 2am, go through to the kitchen and peruse my vast tea collection, decide I have the energy and inclination to knock out a handmade genmaicha using sencha and popping my own organic brown rice.. I reckon this would absolutely be the up-to-date track I'd choose to chillax with.[/quote]
What are you doing having caffeine at that time, of night .
You need to look at tea’s other than
Camellia sinensis , which has its place , but there’s plenty of other options.
I like to mix different herbs with the camellia,
Sometimes different herbs with a bit of coffee as well,
durutti, 1739351824
Killer band! Top blokes too. [quote=blackers]Nice one TBB. Will have to do a deeper dive.
Down a notch and a bit sideways, but mentioned in passing above and in the "I can't believe its not the 90's" thread, these guys are pretty good.
durutti, 1739352171
Been rinsing this
southernraw, 1739452898
Blast from the past.
blackers, 1739774100
A song for the times maybe.
basesix, 1739783116
^ "you have to belieeeeve in what you say, fred..!"
truebluebasher, 1739794975
duritti column tribute continues... Wow! Fault Lines deserves a swellnet drum circle tribute...
Crew is sticking to the script...tbb did support duritti column / Factory back in the 2nd LP / LC...
Well tbb did marry the Town's with that comes the whole Factory back catalogue!
Experimental atmospheric jazz sessions of new wave guitar riffs / soft drum patterns...occasional lyrics.
Ya could say they pioneered them atmospheric Regional Town Promo CD Soundtracks of 1990's.
...but if ya hang in there & wade in a little further back to their 1st LP... (Bonus) they do go off script...
Ya can't help (pause) with these odd titles...Ok!
Well you might wanna inform Ben's Tunesmiths of running an ear over these..
Kinda like proper pioneering new that's worth sharing...
Weird warped twisted tribute to Pink Floyd "One of these Days" (Punk / New Wave Keeper)
You'll find New Wave bands wanted to twist this Floyd Track & Duritti Column does a rare rootsy rip.
Part One is their Pink Floyd Tribute which they exploit to venture into their New Wave Sound (Part 2)
So not strictly the band but > Check this 'Factory Tech Guy'...Martin Hannett (Loose unit megastar)
Produced > Joy Division / Buzzcocks / Happy this is where Manchester Sound started...
Epitaph : "Creator of The Manchester Sound" ( So there ya go...Massive shout out ...)
tbb never knew that...actually working in reverse...bloody typically half arsed and new to tbb'n'all.
Starts out as a swellnet tribute ends up as Manchester Sound Tribute...the shit that tbb digs up...Huh!
So these Part 1/2 Bonus trax were originally released as a Flexi Disc with their weird Sandpaper LP...
Weird LP covers were assembled by Joy Division... (Can ya just imagine that weird package)
If yer into weird Post Punk / Brit Pop History then ya can read more from this band...
One of them bands that spawned a weird Manchester crew around them...just keep linking...
Just guessing this Flexi Disc has a lot more Value than just's the real deal. (Happy to share!)
First aspect of the same thing
Second aspect of the same thing
udo, 1739865377
basesix, 1739865939
^ dig it @tbb, I'm balls deep in a @blackers book about the Ballroom/Exford/475/Users/Jump/Champion bars and clubs.. some very eye-opening intel re personalities and scenes, malbourne punk from the same era as your mancs..
I was playing some of the 'on spec' vinyl dollar-nasties that I have backed up today.. found this one from the UK, 1972 band called 'Hooky'.. not much info, but this track had the vibe of a poor-man's mark oliver everett or solo john lennon musically, lyrics never get anywhere though..
unfortunately, the beegees meets kansas close-harmony chorus typifies much of the album : P
truebluebasher, 1739970163
Factory Records (tbb's Rare Gems Pile)
Dec 1980 Factory 32 was a very modern gutsy new wave Pub sound for a UK band...
Ok! First Up XTC own Punk New Wave Groove sound
(1979 Roads Girdle the Globe / Complicated Game)
The Models backed XTC and won World's best out of this world apprenticeship
Original Mirrors also Boss this sound..
That aside this has a rare Punk New Wave Pub sound
Rare partner could tour with Zanti Misfitz (Love ends at 8)
Both rare but both sound exactly like Top Melbourne Bands of the day
[Crispy Ambulance] could pass off this song [DEAF] as The Models
You'll need to pump up the Volume to get a Live feel for a Melbourne Models Gig.
Uncanny how this band could spin this Models Sound equally as good...
Almost as if Factory Records tried to rip Models Sound...
Fucking insane it is...this Factory Track should not exist outside of the Oz Models Camp!
tbb will ease the crew into this 'Alt Melbourne Live New Wave Skaterz Groove'
That's how we Qldurrz hear the origin of this powerful swirling dervish jagged sound
Crew may recall New Wave Chix Ice skate swing Dance to this groove
Jan 1980 Split Enz Double Happy ( Live in Melbourne > Sept 1980 Models tour XTC )
Nov 1980 Melbourne Models First Video ( Shit Hot > Modern Groove )
Dec 1980 UK Crispy Ambulance ~ Deaf (Shit Hot > Modern Groove)
indo-dreaming, 1740014880
Hi Fi way is 30 years old today,.
I remember at the time being disappointed it wasn't as heavy as the previous album and EP's, its still held the test of time pretty good though.
Three part Spotify Podcast on the album by Richard Kingsmill also worth a listen
indo-dreaming, 1740015057
Dino Jr Green Mind also had it Birthday yesterday.
basesix, 1740015082
^ a few tickets to their forum show on Thurs 10th April (11th sold out)
playing Hi Fi Way and Hourly Daily in full (Berlin Chair as an encore, Tim won't be able to resist)
indo-dreaming, 1740015497
[quote=basesix]^ a few tickets to their forum show on Thurs 10th April (11th sold out)[/quote]
I saw that the other day, i was tempted.
If it was Sound as ever and Hi fi way id have bought tickets straight away.
I like Hourly daily as a Sunday arvo clean the house type record, but not so much interested in hearing the songs live.
Ive also kind of got to this stage with many bands where im almost happy not to see them live again, as dont want to ruin the memory's i have of seeing them in more golden periods where i liked all their songs.
Not so relevant in this case but especially when the band only has a few remaining original members .
basesix, 1740015596
yep. agree wholeheartedly on all points.
basesix, 1740015968
[quote=truebluebasher]Factory Records (tbb's Rare Gems Pile)
Dec 1980 Factory 32 was a very modern gutsy new wave Pub sound for a UK band...
Ok! First Up XTC own Punk New Wave Groove sound
(1979 Roads Girdle the Globe / Complicated Game)
The Models backed XTC and won World's best out of this world apprenticeship
Original Mirrors also Boss this sound..
That aside this has a rare Punk New Wave Pub sound
Rare partner could tour with Zanti Misfitz (Love ends at 8)
Both rare but both sound exactly like Top Melbourne Bands of the day
[Crispy Ambulance] could pass off this song [DEAF] as The Models
You'll need to pump up the Volume to get a Live feel for a Melbourne Models Gig.
Uncanny how this band could spin this Models Sound equally as good...
Almost as if Factory Records tried to rip Models Sound...
Fucking insane it is...this Factory Track should not exist outside of the Oz Models Camp!
tbb will ease the crew into this 'Alt Melbourne Live New Wave Skaterz Groove'
That's how we Qldurrz hear the origin of this powerful swirling dervish jagged sound
Crew may recall New Wave Chix Ice skate swing Dance to this groove
Jan 1980 Split Enz Double Happy ( Live in Melbourne > Sept 1980 Models tour XTC )
Nov 1980 Melbourne Models First Video ( Shit Hot > Modern Groove )
Dec 1980 UK Crispy Ambulance ~ Deaf (Shit Hot > Modern Groove)[/quote]
truebluebasher, 1740028181
Ultra Rare Underground Record Pile from a Dead Brizzo Punk was passed onto tbb...back in 1980
Me brother's flatmate was a boss punk punter & was gone in a flash...As was the way back in the day...{R.I.P} Dedication...Brizzo Punk'z record collection alive & kicking...let's punk out for our mate...
Razar / Apartments / Humans...just a few + this ultra rare impossibly insane Brizzo shock punk Single...
The Sharks ...Singer + another moved onto Perfect Strangers then a '90's Jazz Troupe + theatre.
Similar to Shock Punk Ignatius Jones into Ballet...another weirdo!
Bass Player John Downie is the Psycho...> JFK & Cuban Crisis > Pineapples at the Dawn of Time
Recorded Oct 1978 Brisbane (Others date it to 1979-80) Bne did small re pressings back then.
Sneaky peep under the Banana Curtain to sample a Qldurr Shock Rock Self Therapy Demo record.
Just paddle pop the slide volume to [11] to blow yer fuckin' brainz out...
Comes with a warning on just how good dusty records sound when they're handed down with love.
Crew says thanx mate that is an outrageous request from the grave...stoked to cue his single...Salute!
The Sharks ~ [A] This Side "Freud" (Self cues to next track) [A] That Side "Lobotomy"
Bent Brizzo Bass Player Double / Triple Play.
The Sharks > Perfect Strangers > Pineapples from the Dawn of Time
That's the crew's kinda Psychotic Bass player > trapped in all the wrong bands...get me outta here!
That's a session Gromz! Fark!
Would ya believe this ultra rare bonus treat just lands in me lap...Goin' Live on the Telly...say Wot?
C'mon crew...give it up...Ben's Tunesmiths *****
Salute mysterable for treat + bonus follow up band...
Perfect Strangers ~ Tightrope
(See : Feature Bass Player John Downie of all 3 bands on pretend Drums)
Pineapples from the Dawn of Time ~ Too much Acid
( With The Shark's Bass Player...Holy that much trippin' out allowed in Qld...Shh! )
blackers, 1740191157
A song for the zeitgeist " I should be happy, but I'm not.....I should be grateful, but I'm not..."
basesix, 1740193016
Did you read The Ballroom @blackers? I'm just getting to where Dolores returned to the ballroom, after cutting her other venues loose, and then got screwed again.. about 1981.. it's getting into territory where I have friends who remember the gigs.. good stuff, cheers.
basesix, 1740193113
Anyone besides @udo wanna weigh in about the humpback whale kayak 'hoax' in the shark thread? not much online, nothing mentions the strange behaviour of the camera:
blackers, 1740480976
A song for Brucey L.
May he hear it before fronting the magistrate in Toowoomba.
seeds, 1740749312
Watching a seppo true crime murder show. Someone takes a last breath after their cranium comes off second best after being introduced to an aloominerm baseball bat. It might have been Stevie Ray Vaughan on the mound.
blackers, 1740809114
A song title for Swellnet's resident Lembongan reporter.
seaslug, 1740831043
Haha good one blackers
truebluebasher, 1740840398
Bens Tunesmiths are stoked to unearth Aussie Autumn Almanac
1971 Falling by Autumn from LP "Comes...Autumn" (Prod : G Wayne Thomas)
1986 Autumn Leaves by Huxton Creepers from LP "12 Days to Paris" (Vid: Royal Botanic Gardens)
1996 Autumn comes to soon by Bluebottle Kiss from LP "Fear of Girls" reissued 25th Oct 2024
2004 Autumn Flow by Lior from LP "Autumn Flow"
2010 Autumn by Big Scary from EP "Four Seasons"
2014 Autumn in Melbourne by Classic Alpine from LP "Game Theory"
2018 Autumn Leaves by Dami Im from LP "I Hear a Song"
Forever Autumn...
2021 Autumn by (Sydney Metal band) Keepsake from LP "Slowburn"
Autumn (Canberra Metal Band) 2014-19
Autumn Blue (Country/Roots Family Band) Touring NSW
2012 Autumn Song by The Australian Voices from LP 'Great Southern Spirits'
2023 Autumn in Melbourne (Many Cover/s) YouTube : 9 y/o South African Girl on Piano.
basesix, 1741135234
someone who knows how to social media, should tell the beefs this song ended up in the well-put-together march 25 DI point clip @udo dropped into the 'random surf clips' thread. that must be 10 surf clips? red bellied black snake must be due the coming of age film soundtrack suggested in the YT comments by now?
truebluebasher, 1741189638
Attention Euro Surf Safari Music Fans...
Belgium Saturday 5th April 2025 The Endless International Surf Festival
$50 Backdoor Entry > Drop in at 5:45pm Sets start rolling in @ 6:15pm (Paddle Battle Stomp Mosh)
Worth checking if this Casino Gig taps into F1 VIP Nazare Crews?
(see below line up promoters shit hot Title Track ** Nazare!)
Another swellnet drum circle beat up...***** Shit Hot Euro Surf Band Promo Teaser.
Website super stokes a gallery of 2 Trax from each of these said 8 Endless Surf Bands
Bens Tunesmiths ***** Must see Cowabunga Endless Surf Music Presentation
Just cue the site then sit & wait a tick as a surf godz roll out out an insane Surf band Vid Gallery
swellnet soundwave of the day ~~~~^ ~~~~/|~~~~/(~~~~/(C [ The Endless Surf )
Euro Surf Bands on show in The Endless Surf Promo
8 x 2 set Sound Waves...for the crew to surf
tbb : My kinda free Surf Music Jukebox...Just set and forget the sets....surfjustsurfmusic on tap!
* The Phantom Four (Netherlands)
* Les Agamemnonz (France)
* Bradipos IV (Italy)
* Razorblades (Germany)
* * Sant Anna Bay Coconuts (Belgium)
* Stories from Shamehill (Netherlands)
* The Akulas (Belgium)
* Slingshot Bikini (Belgium) are another Djingel Djangel Surf Band...
Free Oz Goth Surf link bonus is dedicated to Belgium Surf Music Promoters **
Antwerp Surf Music Hang [ Djingel Djangel ] tbb thought that sounded weird enough to check out...&...
Surf Hang Club's name is guess what... is named after a Nick Cave Song (Fair Dinkum!)
& The Bells from the Chapel went Djingel Djangel...( Do you Love me ) Dead set Oz Surf Goth Stoked.
Hodad Basher Punk Lesson to Gromz > always sniff out weird shit...brings rewards of the weirdest kind...
Like an 80's Oz Goth Belgian '60's Surf how else ya gonna dream up another swellnet exclusive!
Let's Stomp that Oz Goth Surf Mosh!
Bonus 2 wave set from Thee Andrews Surfers Live @ Nick Caves Djingle Djangle Belgian Goth Surf Hang.
Oz EU Surf Safaris gotta pop in there to hang with yer continental Tiki Taboo surf punk crew...
Boss has called for an over the top Special above & beyond next level Interstellar Surf Music Stoke...
Djingel Djangel Opening Party exclusive swellnet crew redo with "The Incredible Sucking Spongies!"
Wow tbb...must admit that sounds pretty fucking did the swellnet drum circle drum that up!
C'mon...Who said that!
Everybody Djingel Djangel...that includes the Boss...Crank it & Stomp it...Outta here in double time! Impossible!
tbb salutes this Sea Siren Shanty...drooling over these chiko chix bashing their unfathomobiles like crazy.
More! More! We want more of them Incredible Sucking Spongies leaching off our bikini bottoms fuckin' sick bastards...tbb will pretend he never heard that...catch of the day for swellnet sea urchins!
basesix, 1741306906
all our thoughts and news channels are with yous up in alfred's hood
(news updates on straddie/bribie erosion, catchment areas, etc. and all-time-karl-stefanovic putting a bit of gravel in his voice and whipping out the shaka lingo with tappa teece and on all our southern tellys.. )
hope the storm damage is minimal and people stay safe. amazing call from @thermalben re alfred hovering just off the coast till saturday.
NSW band The Dave Miller Set - 'Mr Guy Fawkes' (1969)
GreenJam, 1741308581
seems appropriate
Confusion, 1741309120
Get outta town
Think I’ll get outta town
Think I’ll get outta town
blackers, 1741316081
Gurrier, noun - a tough or unruly young man.
"stay out of that place—the gurriers there would carve you up with knives"
velocityjohnno, 1741339830
Eshay - also a tough or unruly young man
Confusion, 1741343685
Thrown in the riot van ,
And all the coppers kicked him in,
And there was no way he could win,
Just had to take it on the chin !
Confusion, 1741398149
Richard Clapton enjoying the performance
and 17 years old Ben Butler debuts on
red guitar.
blackers, 1741427802
Continuing the theme of unruly youngsters
Somewhat ironic given the demographic...
Confusion, 1741430131
Confusion, 1741431027
blackers, 1741432130
Keeping it real.
Confusion, 1741432923
Confusion, 1741433343
Controversial but good song same album,
basesix, 1741463913
@mattlock, yep, I was standing between AP Street and Nazz (GGA) if you remember your 90s street press critics, and I think they both spontaneously jizzed their daks when 50ft queenie started up. PJs voice was awesome btw - she definitely still gives her all vocally..
basesix, 1741465814
just came on rage.. @blackers, how's the vibe re rum jungle live shows?
rum jungle - hi hello
blackers, 1741466585
[quote=basesix]just came on rage.. @blackers, how's the vibe re rum jungle live shows?
rum jungle - hi hello[/quote]
My lad is a big fan, haven't seen them myself. Not really my schtick. Hope you are mobile again.
basesix, 1741468854
yeh, cheers @blackers, staggering through mad march tourism..
the month where the city of churches is all about
making tourists do expensive mediterranean shits
palate cleanser
blackers, 1741490010
Awesome. Saw Poly Jean back in London at Finsbury Park. She's got some power in those pipes.
blackers, 1741498637
And at the other end of the vocal spectrum we have Lewsberg. Out of Rotterdam, out for milk, as you do.
stunet, 1741688040
Just when you're thinking everyone's gone Jatz crackers and the world is broken beyond repair you find out Buster Bloodvessel is coming to Australia.
Thank fuck for bald white men doing silly dances.
Confusion, 1741712968
Confusion, 1741715111
truebluebasher, 1741922915
Qld Health mandated a shocking Psychlonic Irrigation upon cyclone ravaged tbb without consent...
Still not sure what it is or does but it requires an equally powerful old school Ben's Tunesmith remedy...
For those thinking tbb has lost the plot...Yeah Right...tbb's the crazy one...Huh! None here buy that...
[factcheck] Police State Blue Meanies get under Hodad punk's skin...(How to flush out Joh's Task Force)
Hodad tbb summons...
Ben's Tunesmiths think tank : Prescribe { Psychlona }
Gonna recommend the entire back catalogue to cure tbb...
Trax defy belief...just the tonic for damaged Old School Police State Punkz flying under the radar...
Yer not thinkin' of hivin' away yer PBS stash...C'mon tbb!
So the crew be sniffing about for some obscure under the counter stoner skeg brew...
Well not supposed to...U Know...mention that... even if Medicare were puttin' out...
However! This new Mussolini Head Kick Police State is bustin' tbb's arse...
Ya didn't get this shot of { Resin } from Public Enemy #1 Hodad Punk Basher
...never popped into Ben's Trippy Sound Lounge for a cuppa!
Time to slip back under the Qld Police State Banana 54321...Ya didn't see tbb...Ok!
Never spiked yer cuppa with any Stoner Skeg idea wot yer talkin' bout!