Goolwa Camera

Agreed. And why’s it called Goolwa when it’s at Cliffs ;)

Off gain today??

We've got some intermittent issues with power at the site and yesterday's thunderstorms seemed to have triggered the issue again. All of our network gear was replaced a few weeks ago so we know it's not an issue with our hardware. We'll have someone down to look at it ASAP.

Thanks Ben. All three south coast cams off now?

No, all other cams working fine.

Have noticed in multi-cam that sometimes if 1cam doesn't work all appear offline. Try just looking at 1 cam Rhyno (ie Middleton Bay) then go back to multi-cam. Don't know why but this seems to fix it - only Goolwa cam will display as offline.

MDM - I haven't seen that behaviour before - could just be a coincidence (sometimes NBN connections experience brief outages, which are outside of our control).
We have a complex in-house monitoring system that provides an up-to-the-second status at a device level, however we've set a threshold of about 2.5 mins before it alerts us that there's an issue. Therefore, unstable lines (which flap on and off regularly) can sometimes slip through the net if they fall below this threshold.

The Goolwa cam, is it supposed to pan/rotate like oit used to?

Al Wiese wrote:The Goolwa cam, is it supposed to pan/rotate like oit used to?
And again, The Goolwa cam, is it supposed to pan/rotate like it used to?

Nah, we've got three seperate cameras to get the view of Goolwa to the left, Cliffs out straight and Day St to the right. There are some bandwidth issues so we don't have Goolwa streaming right now.

Still no Goolwa cam, despite the incorrect labelling and teasing thumbnail that shows what we are missing.
What is your intention re the Goolwa view?
With spring here and summer coming it might spread the crowds out a bit and would I think be welcomed by your loyal fans.

Unfortunately, we haven't made any more progress, as we're waiting for faster internet speeds - we can't get the cam operational - which is installed, and ready to start streaming - until the NBN is upgraded (which is a mission).
We're doing our best, but it's a helluva lot of work for a relatively small gain (what does that camera view show that the Cliffs cam doesn't? It's essentially one long crumbly closeout from Middleton to the mouth anyway).
Any updates on why it's not working?? It's been off/on for a while