Lorne cam

Underneath the surfcam player is a message:
"9/10 update: We have a scheduled visit to install the new service line on Oct 16th. Fimgers crossed there are no other hiccups. Apologies for the inconvenience. If you're interested, there's a lengthy explanation in the outage here."

Lorne Cam has a ghost image wave running from left to right. The calm swell today makes it quite visible, it looks a bit lije it gusts of wind ruffle.

Its a reflection off the inside of the surf club windows...depends on the time of day and the sun's position in the sky as to how visible it is.

Yep, that's right. We'll eventually relocate it outside but for now it's only a problem with the sun's shining and the surf is very small.

Lorne has been off line for some time now. Any word on when it will be back online?

It's a local power issue (our gear is fine). Been trying to get someone at the surf club to check it for us, but it's not occupied during the week so we're having difficulties. Will keep on trying - sorry for the inconvenience.

What's happening with this cam? I was down at the Surf Club yesterday and all the works are finished now.

Haven't heard from the club yet - so looks like we'll have to tee up our sparky to head down there and reinstall everything.

Ben, I get down that way a fair bit and I reckon the club is open more times than not mid week, but as I have previously said nothing seems to get done in Lorne quickly ....

I work at the school in Lorne so if there is anything I can do to help let me know.

This cam is the main reason I subscribe. Any more updates when it will be fixed?

Just trying to schedule the sparky in for a trip ASAP (he lives a reasonable drive away). We both went down there in December to reinstall but the surf club wasn't ready. Fingers crossed within the next week or so. Thanks for your patience.

Nothing happens in Lorne quick never

Any updates?

Spoke to the sparky today, actually. He's unable to get there for a few weeks (due to a backlog of pre-existing work) but I've stressed how long it's been offline so he's going to do his best to get there much earlier.
The good news is that we'll be upgrading the old camera, placing it outside of the tower (so it doesn't get that weird occasional glare from the window) and also putting in a second fixed cam as well. So it'll be worth the wait. Thanks for your patience.

Almost been down 6 months now....

Waiting on the sparky mate, all of the gear is with him. Should be done this week. I'll give him another nudge.

Keep saying nothing gets done in Lorne quickly .... unless you’re in business with or a personal friend of or play golf with the { } family / business.

There's no hurry.

Hey Ben, you can check out if your mate is working on the roof of the lorne SLC roof anytime you want this week, you do know that don’t you?

It’s working!!! Awesome. Thank you.

Well Benny, next time if you need a Professional and timely fix for your webcams in Vicco, maybe get in contact with me, I'll take care of it for you and it'd be done in no time.
Just saying ;)
I'm more than happy to help keep the Vicco cams and the like going if you require onsite technical support /data technician as part of the swellnet team etc.

Thanks W, though the delay from my sparky wasn't the bulk of it.
Part of the delay was also that we decided to undertake a major upgrade of the gear (relocating the cam outside, puttting in a second cam,plus also relocating the comms box), so it took a lot of to-ing and fro-ing.
Anyway fingers crossed it runs smoothly from now on.
When u fixing it please, you save me a lot of petrol every day , ta Swellnet.