Next Federal Election

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno started the topic in Monday, 22 Jan 2024 at 2:15pm

Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.

This is how Dutton wins:

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Sunday, 25 Aug 2024 at 1:16pm


the first domino to fall.

bring it on Sleazeeeeeeee....Renta fiancee is gunna dump ya with out the private jets and take a house or 3.You can have the tent like the rest of the people you imported with the visa for votes policy!

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Sunday, 25 Aug 2024 at 7:26pm
quadzilla wrote:


the first domino to fall.

bring it on Sleazeeeeeeee....Renta fiancee is gunna dump ya with out the private jets and take a house or 3.You can have the tent like the rest of the people you imported with the visa for votes policy!

Godzilla. Are you serious?

I fear what’s going to happen next with this so called ‘rounding up of crime’. AW

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Friday, 30 Aug 2024 at 12:02pm

Albo is busy getting ready 4 a Census and had 2 make a sensible " Captains Call " .

Our Micro Managing Government Cabinet , had told the ABS 2 get stuffed and not to ask personal LBQT ABC , ABS type questions , in the upcoming Census .

Marles and Chambers or Bourke , explained they didn't want 2 hurt the Communities feelings .

The LBQT ETC Community , then told Albo that NOT asking the questions , hurts their feelings more , so he changed the Cabinets mind with a CC , no discussion necessary and very unHawke like .

As , unless something remarkable happens , I will be able to mark NO and skip the questions , I am happy 4 the ABS 2 ask ALL the questions .

Trying 2 keep everyone happy , is too hard .

Albo will go for the middle ground , the ABS will ask half , their questions .

I might B wrong and Albo could be doing a LOT ?

It's just stuff he shouldn't HAVE 2 do and a waste of time imho .

Same with the Government .

New ABS questions 4 a National Census , can surely B decided by the Minister , not a Discussion item 4 Cabinet ffs !


I am very interested in what questions the ABS will ask this diverse Community .

As I don't even understand AC/DC , I won't offer any possibilities .

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Saturday, 31 Aug 2024 at 12:23pm

AlboSLEEEEEzzEEEE is getting ready for an election, thats Y hes been SOOOO busy PD.

His next job(May,next year) is as CEO of the solar powered tent factory, thats the business he identified as a GOer,then decided it would be successful IF he imported a couple of million refos.

He thinks people will like tents because a) they will never be able to afford a house AND
b) all the houses will be owned by foreigners

He is also is going into bridge building for the imports to live under

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 31 Aug 2024 at 4:20pm

NT Elected Labor candidates are Indigenous & most increased winning Margins.

ALL 100% NT Elected CLP candidates despise Aboriginals and vow to Deport them to Mars.

Promise to lock up Every Aboriginal Teen Mum & sell their babies to Bobbie's Hillsong Creche.
Aboriginal Boys $50 bajillion Hello World rocket to $300 bajillion Mars [L] Serco Pedo Ranch
With $1,000 bajillion 99.9% Guard Absentee Compo + 99.9% Iso Lockdown rate Guaranteed!

News Flash : 32% NT minority voted 'Landslide Victory' for their non racist CLP candidates.
Non Racist : Ain't no Local mudblood in our blowin CLP we can't be labelled racist!

[CLP] 49% of 65% Turnout = 32% of total electorate (or) Exactly the same as 2022 Fed [L] loss.
Eg : 2022 Fed [L] Result 35.7% of 89.82 Turnout = 32% of total electorate = 2024 Base Vote!

But Voter % reality has no place in Democracy ...All Together....{ Fuckin' NT [L]andslide...Burp! }

Last [L] Govt sold NT Port to China new [L] Govt will sell remaining Northern Territory to Yanks.
Round 'em up & lock 'em up on Mars then Sell Up their Missions to Yanks to bankroll [L] Party!

Rest of Australia gettin' hot under the collar ...knowing their Kindy is the next [L] WMD factory!
Less than a third Votes & ya can mandate Nuke Plant boot Camps to funnel WWIII WMD.
[L] Policy is consistent...Sell Sell Sell Mush Mush Mush Hate Hate Hate Kill Kill Kill!

Voldemort : Cloak of invisibility ain't gonna help ya Gromz...I'm yer worst recurring Nightmare!
Flap Faster little ones...Dark Ominous Cloud is gobbling them up...Oh the Humanity! Luv Straya!

PS : Progressive NT ALP get the last Laugh by being years ahead of Oz Policy...too cool for you!
Wanna Join NT ALP...We're non judgmental & don't wanna pick a fight with weird gender types!
Mandatory to reveal if you ever got off on a weird arse gender Flash Mob thingy...Ok!

Gender [?] Male [?] Female [?] Transgender [?] Non-Binary [?] Non Conforming [?] Trade Unionist [?] Concession Card [?] Occupation [?] Unemployed [?] Income Bracket [?] Aboriginal [?] Torres Strait Islander [?] Aussie [?] Non Aussie
or...[?] Prefer Not to Say anything about yer privates!

Leader : "Mandatory Mixed Up Gender Reveal is not worth fighting us over...promise not to tell ABS!"

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 2 Sep 2024 at 9:55pm

Greens are mandating [Big o/s Tech subscription sign in ]
Not long ago tbb was in regular contact with Greens.

Now all access is Forbidden to Aussies without a certified 3rd party US Aukus Jock Certification!

Can view Greens on foreign Social Media X {f} [O']
But can't contact, engage...or Join without selling yer arse to Yanks.
Die Yuppie Die!
[ 403 Forbidden ]

This is as close as ya can get to any consent for a sex questionnaire in Oz Greens Party
Apparently even ticking a box on a Membership Form is [Forbidden]

How the other half would love to live :
Playing Politics with Gender Bending [L/R] Swinging Member reveals
The very Question that we never dare ask or speak of...please don't judge!

Australian [L]iberal Party be stoked to include a trans...Miss Midnite ya Say...[2030 [L] Quota...Tick!]
I declare I haven't been kicked outta our Party Again (Cough!)...I wish to be bound by our Leader Dutto!
We desire more Women...(Is that a Fact!) All be praying to be kicked outta Oz #1 Sausage Fest.

Kater Australia Party
Male / Female / A Crocodile (That's a game, most sportsmanlike it'n'weep!)
Gotcha...Crew thought tbb was joking...(Never underestimate a send us all to hell!)

United Australia Party : [Sex] : None / Male / Female / Unspecified
"That's my Kinda Car Keys in the Bowl '70's Swingers Party!"
(Clive's racy retro invite is the best Banana Curtain upskirt you'll get...still not that desperate huh!)

NT ALP are very Liberal...(From Above!) If ya prefer a Foursome!
Male / Female / Transgender / Non-Binary / Non Conforming / Prefer Not to Say (Please Pick this one!)

Qld ALP are extremely moderately Liberal with their coming out
Male / Female / Other / Prefer Not to Say (Unspecified Nobodies are most Welcome...anybody really!)

UK Labour : M / F / Other...sounds more inclusive than M? or F? ... (Count that as a Win for Humanity!)

Ontario Liberals are also very astutely Liberal...
Woman / Man / Non-Binary / Another Identity / Prefer not to Say
(We probe all aliens equally as deep!)

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Monday, 2 Sep 2024 at 10:32pm

far out. got me tbb! is that some sort of katter-party self-aware humour. cool as, if that's how they now approach the single funniest mid-sentence stroke in Aus politics, ever

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Monday, 2 Sep 2024 at 11:01pm

wotd related, and old school faggy. Not harley-riders, (which incidentally, I understand are referred to as 'faggots' in Qld, NSW. In vicco, sth aus, and I believe in WA, harley-riders are referred to as 'gay-boes') but wholesome joe purple heart-of-gold types.

This clip already has a dated look. one step beyond: 'maam! ma ma ma max headroom here!'. Like a karaoke background. Little Adelaide Sia from funky Rundle Street cranks another all-time track for all-time manipulation. poptastic!

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Tuesday, 3 Sep 2024 at 7:21am
truebluebasher wrote:

Greens are mandating [Big o/s Tech subscription sign in ]
Not long ago tbb was in regular contact with Greens.

Now all access is Forbidden to Aussies without a certified 3rd party US Aukus Jock Certification!

Can view Greens on foreign Social Media X {f} [O']
But can't contact, engage...or Join without selling yer arse to Yanks.
Die Yuppie Die!
[ 403 Forbidden ]

This is as close as ya can get to any consent for a sex questionnaire in Oz Greens Party
Apparently even ticking a box on a Membership Form is [Forbidden]

How the other half would love to live :
Playing Politics with Gender Bending [L/R] Swinging Member reveals
The very Question that we never dare ask or speak of...please don't judge!

Australian [L]iberal Party be stoked to include a trans...Miss Midnite ya Say...[2030 [L] Quota...Tick!]
I declare I haven't been kicked outta our Party Again (Cough!)...I wish to be bound by our Leader Dutto!
We desire more Women...(Is that a Fact!) All be praying to be kicked outta Oz #1 Sausage Fest.

Kater Australia Party
Male / Female / A Crocodile (That's a game, most sportsmanlike it'n'weep!)
Gotcha...Crew thought tbb was joking...(Never underestimate a send us all to hell!)

United Australia Party : [Sex] : None / Male / Female / Unspecified
"That's my Kinda Car Keys in the Bowl '70's Swingers Party!"
(Clive's racy retro invite is the best Banana Curtain upskirt you'll get...still not that desperate huh!)

NT ALP are very Liberal...(From Above!) If ya prefer a Foursome!
Male / Female / Transgender / Non-Binary / Non Conforming / Prefer Not to Say (Please Pick this one!)

Qld ALP are extremely moderately Liberal with their coming out
Male / Female / Other / Prefer Not to Say (Unspecified Nobodies are most Welcome...anybody really!)

UK Labour : M / F / Other...sounds more inclusive than M? or F? ... (Count that as a Win for Humanity!)

Ontario Liberals are also very astutely Liberal...
Woman / Man / Non-Binary / Another Identity / Prefer not to Say
(We probe all aliens equally as deep!)

basesix wrote:

far out. got me tbb! is that some sort of katter-party self-aware humour. cool as, if that's how they now approach the single funniest mid-sentence stroke in Aus politics, ever

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 5 Sep 2024 at 1:10am

Clarification on 6 quarters of Tanking (Household Spend Recession!)
It's Not the Reserve Bank nor [L] or ALP policy at fault...

Neutral tbb will explain exactly wotz goin' on in no time at all.
Again the Govt / Opposition & media are asleep to the obvious...
That being a Double Whammy of 100% Household cash credit devaluations

April 2020 : Covid Emergency raised Tap'n'Go from $100 > $200
Household spending doubled > Interest Rates Doubled to record increases...

Jan-Feb 2023 : Inflation Peaks...(Feel free to Check!) but why here & now...Huh!
Answer is really that Simple!
Jan -Feb 2023 : Mastercard / Banks cut $200 Tap'n'Go Limit back down 100% to pre pandemic $100.
Inflation starts dropping > Keeping interest rates in check...(Correct!) All say Aye!

ALP let the $200 Tap'n'Go ride a little longer over the next 6 months with NO mandatory $100 return!
Why did ALP slow the Back Pedal..
The reason was to Scoop a Record GST Pool...
Off the back of Peak Rocketing Tail of Record Migration ticking over Oz high inflation / rates Jackpot.
ALP Seriously banked a Massive Record GST Windfall to pork barrel their losable 2025 Election!

Howard style > Middle Class Welfare...Buy Votes with Disaster Relief / Tax Cuts / QLD 50c Fares etc...

Now! There is a part 2 Healthy Dose of Reality Check that keeps spending in check...(Watch this...)
During Covid > Online Tech Banks bully Big 4 Bully Banks to cut back on Cash....
( Recall the Banks banning Pensioners + Digitized Loans / Deft + Digital Transit Switch)
Banks rip out record ATM Cash outs (Fuck Off!) Now charge a fortune just to look at a bank note.
Sad Reality > Com' Bank couldn't even Mint a Matilda Coin set..tbb told'em how Fucked Up that was.
They agreed! (Ironic that Woolies now Releases Minted Quality Matilda Coin Sets...(All back to front!)

Aust Post plugged up the Holes in Regions with no ATMs...but!
Armaguard refuse to double the risk & Cost to get Robbed servicing Far out Ambush regions.
Not our job to be Mobile Banks to Cow Cockies!
Cost is passed onto Oz Post Regional Branches @ $4,000/wk & they gotta do it so don't promote it!

Naturally all the Cow Cockies & Pensioners hit up the Supermarket / Department store Cash Outs...
Also buying 80 cent Ice Creams to Withdraw $400 from Maccas Teenies...
Night Wolf packs were drooling over cashed up Drive Thru Lone Tween Gurlz.

Same deal...Maccas can't afford to run a 24/7 Armaguard Teenage Branch Manager Pensioner Bank
Yep! Fuck Off ...No more $400 Hodad Ice Creams We're not yer Bank! Also instantly halved Cashies!

Sept 2023 Soon az...Woolies tells Shoppers to stop hittin' them up for $500 Cash Outs.
Stop using us as yer Cashless Crisis now re-brands Supermarkets as Cash Banks.

Oct 2023 Woolies drops Cashout Limit from $500 > $200 ( Fuckin' massive Tank > Fuck Off Creeps! )
March 2024 Coles Bank likewise drops Cash Out Limit from $400 > $200 ( Fuckin' Massive Tank!)

Never in Oz history has Card Credit & Cash Outs been halved over 5 Quarters.
Please pay attention...ABS 5-6 Quarters of Household Spend tanking...there it is...well durr! Massive!

Not one Expert shares the Greatest Banking / Supermarket / Store Credit Tanking in Oz History!
Not even Treasurer cares to share the obvious 100% + Double Dose Household Debit Smash Hits.
All Brain Dead > acting as if this Massive Double Debit hit never Happened...can assure crew, it did!

There's actually more as Online Gaming Credit has also just been banned...(Massive Baby Bottle!)
Govt: 'No more dipping into Lucky Pay Day Loan / Mobster Credit for the Weekend Footy Tipping'
Gamblin' industry are trialling Play Station Gift Cards...
This is exactly What Online Lone Sharks switch Mouldy Cash Credit over to Online Banks...
Well like this...Govt can't stop gamblers buying Play Station / E games Gift Cards with Credit Cards.
Just Like that...the only reason that WSL hooked up Goldie...with the Promise of online live Credit!
All make sense now! Shh!

We're shifting gears real fast from Cash / Banks credit Squeeze to Online Predatory Loan Sharks.
Big Tech banks are digitizing outlandish Social Credit > Exorbitant Mobster Repayments or Lock outs!
Oz are record Gamers / Tap'n'Goers / Cash Out crews...All Now 100% Fucked over.
That's wot happened...this is the real news not being shared on yer Tellies...( tbb is 100% neutral! Ok!)
Have to be pretty fuckin' thick not to notice that Oz Households copped a Double Dose of raw Prawns.

Just saying that US/Oz media & Leaders grow more impossibly useless each day...thick as thieves!
Please use yer own eyes & gut instinct to easily cut thru this crap to see obvious digitized home truths.
Pretty hard to hide this recent Massive Record Piggy Back Household Credit Squeeze...
Somehow Media & Pollies have Mass Vax Brain Fog! longer recall last's actually pretty sad!

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Thursday, 5 Sep 2024 at 6:44am

Insightful stuff there tbb love the idea of tap'n'go being the new M2, very easy to gate it.
For fun and games switch back to cash for weekly shop, pay $50.05 for example of 43.55 cost and watch staff panic trying to calculate what to give back. Rubicon has been crossed and idiocracy awaits.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 5 Sep 2024 at 8:09am

Morning TrueBlue

Again you sift through all the chaff , all the crap and hit the High note !

I have not heard 1 commentator , point out the Obvious cause and effect , U highlight .

As VJ said , Tap and Go , the new M2 .

So often , it's the Simple changes that cause the greatest effects .

Pulling any Lever , causes ripples , Politicians LOVE pulling Levers , but have no ideas of the Waves they create .

Super insightful Suff TBB !

Great work , again !

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 5 Sep 2024 at 8:50am

Our Experts love Models , showing a myriad of interconnecting forces working together , that explain , their View of the World .

Unlike TBB , they are unable to C , or Consider , what are the Keystones , in their Theory's .

Keystones are the Most Important Foundations of Australian society .

We need to Consider a Keystones Role , in an Arch and in all Ecosystems .

Keystones must be treated with much more Respect , they are holding US together imho !

TBB is a keystone of SN !

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Thursday, 5 Sep 2024 at 9:33am
velocityjohnno wrote:

Insightful stuff there tbb love the idea of tap'n'go being the new M2, very easy to gate it.
For fun and games switch back to cash for weekly shop, pay $50.05 for example of 43.55 cost and watch staff panic trying to calculate what to give back. Rubicon has been crossed and idiocracy awaits.

I did some household budget analysis and I reckon I could save around $1,000 per year if I use cash. We all just tap but there are many hidden fees associated with that. My little local store charges 1.9%. Aldi is 0.5% (if you insert the card and choose savings you won't get charged). I keep a lot of receipts as I travel for work and went through it all, many charge some form of credit fees. Cash is painful but it will leave some money in your pocket.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Thursday, 5 Sep 2024 at 1:10pm

Fun with maths

Australia used to have sterling silver as it's currency @ 92.5% until 1946. Ie the currency was a weight of metal, not a promise to pay a value defined as a 'dollar'.

Let's compare the cost of energy.

In WA in 2004 Petrol was $1.00/L average price.

In 2004 on 30th June, silver closed at $8.49

So one Oz of silver would get you 8.49L. If that was a coin, (1/8.49) = 0.117 of an Oz so about one sixpence and one threepence for a litre (0.0839 + 0.0419 Oz - get a bit of change).

Weights here

In 2022 the average WA petrol price was $1.81/L (same link, most recent data)

In 2022 on 30th of June, silver closed at $29.95.

So one Oz of silver would get you 16.54L. So as a coin, that would be (1/16.54) = 0.0604 of an Oz: a single threepence and a penny and a halfpenny (the latter two were copper coins). Much cheaper than 2004 for petrol in silver, somewhere between 1/2 and 1/3 of the cost! Imagine having the rest of that as savings from earnings... just for time passing!

One can infer then, that the value of the fiat currency has fallen dramatically in this time. If Australia still used sterling silver as it's currency, petrol in 2022 in WA, average price would 'feel' more like half the price of 2004. So different to what people are experiencing now!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 5 Sep 2024 at 1:26pm

Thanx for the Credit crew...takes no time for each shopper to check @ Supermarket.
As tbb said...not one Expert passes the pub test...
All playing dumb (Choose)
A : Lazy & Rude
B : Thick and compulsive liar (Likes making shit up...just to stir the pot...Lights Match...Kaboom!)
C : Too Rich ...lost count after first Bajillion Gazillion.
D : All of Above + Pretend to care by running a dozen full page Mast Heads...[ Vote 4 Blood Money ]
All of them still get free shit delivered by lear jets to w/e shacks & Eskimo Slaves on tap in Bar fridges.

How could any pretend not see & call largest ever Doubling then Halving of in house Credit...Huh!
tbb is in Iso...only go to the Shops once / month...if tbb can spot it...then surely our 24/7 tap dancers.

Perhaps those of us scaling Rat Race skulls can see clearer from the slippery slope of the abyss!
Yep! As expected...It's Chockablock up the Whazoo...reckon that's yer problem...
Full throttle Twin Engine Reverse Thrust Goodvibes...'can't give ya any more Captain...(Doomed!)

tbb salutes the crew for not buying into Expert [ Factcheckers ]
Paid to censor the facts of the matter as a matter of fact!

Coming down from a universally rorted Viral Climax is not our most shameful depraved act...
Take a look outside yer gets set lower each day...all say aye!
Better off scooping out yer own Brainz Yummy Brainz!

Auntie's flock Voted for Nazi Insiders to program RAGE ...Don't ya just know it!
Trax choose themselves...tbb just cues them...maybe one day...the crew will get a say! (A Joke...Ok!)

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 12:09pm

{Open Apology} tbb never meant to withhold, exploit or ridicule Emergency Economic Response.
tbb is in a position to view world in real time with more time in isolation...with that anomaly in mind!

9th Aug 2024
tbb contacted Oz Treasurer & relayed this Massive Non Govt Emergency Response Driver of Economy.
Also requested Govt to examine Global Emergency Response / Recover effect on Household Credit.
tbb feels that Nations gain better insight of World Economy by evaluating Emergency Credit Response.

Reason is essential, as Govts that oversaw Doubling of Credit were replaced when Credit was halved!
Meaning very few Westworld Govts are recording their Credit Recovery...
Sure...Canada / France...but that was massively contrived by Olympics Countdown.
Considering No world Govt had control over Global Emergency Credit Doubling / Halving...then...
True Oz could work with Canada as both ramped Immigration...Canada Govt - Can share Key Data / Base.

Also consider little control over Sanctions...again France sits on the fence trading with Russia.

We crew understand when & why Global Credit was Doubled during Early weeks of April 2020
Repeat > All World Govts Changed...
Since Jan 2023 credit was halved but never in unison, by Sept Credit fees Doubled + Cash outs Halved.

Crew are no fools & shared this Massive Credit Card Ramp/Response is the prime driver of economy.
tbb felt it's essential to evaluate rare Global response & equally feels this data is of Global Significance!

Even believe no nation is tracking + any nation clever enough will gain market advantage & Global cred.
Also reckon if ya bottle it...Well! It is Emergency Data but Emergency is over...Saying! It's a honey pot!
Exclusive insight into Each Nations Pandemic staged credit recovery is a Massive market advantage.
Any clever nation could measure the speed of World economy & response time of Any Future Crisis.
Also which nations follow similar Paced Credit lines...knowing all that would be worth a Fortune!
Example would be how each nation tracked Vax compliance > simply switch to Credit Recovery compliance.
Each nation would be ranked on return to Credit in Fully from Emergency hand outs!
Which nations are most resilient to Credit Shock & how did they achieve or pace their Credit recovery!

Recapping...tbb felt he crossed the Line by exploiting or part ridiculing Emergency Pandemic Response.
Oz treasurer has been updated & informed of all above non govt Emergency Credit driving Oz economy.
Also insisted on no reply as it was merely Emergency Response civic duty [factcheck]. All good!

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 7:32pm
truebluebasher wrote:

{Open Apology} tbb never meant to withhold, exploit or ridicule Emergency Economic Response.
tbb is in a position to view world in real time with more time in isolation...with that anomaly in mind!

9th Aug 2024
tbb contacted Oz Treasurer & relayed this Massive Non Govt Emergency Response Driver of Economy.
Also requested Govt to examine Global Emergency Response / Recover effect on Household Credit.
tbb feels that Nations gain better insight of World Economy by evaluating Emergency Credit Response.

Reason is essential, as Govts that oversaw Doubling of Credit were replaced when Credit was halved!
Meaning very few Westworld Govts are recording their Credit Recovery...
Sure...Canada / France...but that was massively contrived by Olympics Countdown.
Considering No world Govt had control over Global Emergency Credit Doubling / Halving...then...
True Oz could work with Canada as both ramped Immigration...Canada Govt - Can share Key Data / Base.

Also consider little control over Sanctions...again France sits on the fence trading with Russia.

We crew understand when & why Global Credit was Doubled during Early weeks of April 2020
Repeat > All World Govts Changed...
Since Jan 2023 credit was halved but never in unison, by Sept Credit fees Doubled + Cash outs Halved.

Crew are no fools & shared this Massive Credit Card Ramp/Response is the prime driver of economy.
tbb felt it's essential to evaluate rare Global response & equally feels this data is of Global Significance!

Even believe no nation is tracking + any nation clever enough will gain market advantage & Global cred.
Also reckon if ya bottle it...Well! It is Emergency Data but Emergency is over...Saying! It's a honey pot!
Exclusive insight into Each Nations Pandemic staged credit recovery is a Massive market advantage.
Any clever nation could measure the speed of World economy & response time of Any Future Crisis.
Also which nations follow similar Paced Credit lines...knowing all that would be worth a Fortune!
Example would be how each nation tracked Vax compliance > simply switch to Credit Recovery compliance.
Each nation would be ranked on return to Credit in Fully from Emergency hand outs!
Which nations are most resilient to Credit Shock & how did they achieve or pace their Credit recovery!

Recapping...tbb felt he crossed the Line by exploiting or part ridiculing Emergency Pandemic Response.
Oz treasurer has been updated & informed of all above non govt Emergency Credit driving Oz economy.
Also insisted on no reply as it was merely Emergency Response civic duty [factcheck]. All good!

TBB. Good stuff mate, finger on the pulse at your end. AW

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 11 Sep 2024 at 8:35pm
seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Wednesday, 11 Sep 2024 at 9:10pm

Let’s hope so.
Is this fantastical NACC required to report findings publicly?

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 11 Sep 2024 at 9:28pm

Aye it is

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Thursday, 12 Sep 2024 at 2:51pm


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 12 Sep 2024 at 3:05pm

… incarnation$



AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Thursday, 12 Sep 2024 at 3:51pm
udo wrote:

Fuckin hell, she's got my vote.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 12 Sep 2024 at 5:55pm
AndyM wrote:
udo wrote:

Fuckin hell, she's got my vote.

Definitely an interesting strongly opinionated indigenous lady.

"Aboriginal woman Madison King reveals why she wants Welcome to Country ceremonies cancelled"

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Thursday, 12 Sep 2024 at 11:05pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
AndyM wrote:
udo wrote:

Fuckin hell, she's got my vote.

Definitely an interesting strongly opinionated indigenous lady.

"Aboriginal woman Madison King reveals why she wants Welcome to Country ceremonies cancelled"

There is a lot of truth to what she is saying most urban Aboriginals have long lost their past cultural roots and yes there is plenty of made up stuff but misses the point of trying bring Aboriginal culture and heritage / recognition into mainstream Australia who have zero knowledge or acknowledgement.

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Friday, 13 Sep 2024 at 11:32am

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Friday, 13 Sep 2024 at 7:28pm

What do you reckon @info, the public still have the right to take things into their own hands?


udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024 at 4:28pm


GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 18 Sep 2024 at 6:07pm

What do you reckon @info, do inconvenienced motorists still have the right to drive through these protestors??

GuySmiley wrote:

What do you reckon @info, the public still have the right to take things into their own hands?


quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Friday, 20 Sep 2024 at 7:58am

Where are the lifeboats?

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 20 Sep 2024 at 8:18am

Peter Dutton announces plan to negatively gear both houses of Parliament

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Monday, 23 Sep 2024 at 7:08pm

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Friday, 27 Sep 2024 at 9:31pm


Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 27 Sep 2024 at 11:48pm

Unbutton the mutton IMG-8658

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Saturday, 28 Sep 2024 at 12:12am
udo wrote:

I think the indigenous “ Americans “ might have experienced the devastation of what it is like to be invaded . @udo , I love your participation on swellnet , great source of information “but “ wish you would comment more on what you post . I’m guilty too of posting a link without comment.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 30 Sep 2024 at 9:08pm

Phone call to Qld Greens yielded results.
tbb could access generic Green Socials but they bump tbb off each time ya breathe.
Since Cloudstrike > tbb Couldn't access any Green's Web Sites
Every time tbb clicked [ Forbidden ] Appears
Left with no link to Phone / Address / Comment / Policy / Join

Went to phonebook...again no luck...
Tried 10 > 20 more Green Combo searches all Linked to [Forbidden]
Finally just one search shared enough info (Just!) Qld Leader Max Ph ....
(Only because he promoted his Ph #...ahead of online address!) Oldschool is still Cool!

Ok! Ring! Ring! Quick Answer from his secretary...
tbb explained Greens being locked out on www Searches > [Forbidden]
Also explained how Yanks bump any non subscribed Aussie Searches from our own Oz Govt Content.
Shared Govt [sold out] Emergency Alerts to {f} Subscribe or die for Emergency Shelter Location.

Anyhow Max's Green Guru first thought it weird but agreed to give tbb the time of day & investigate...
We even ran some Test Sites over the Phone...She says [YES] (vs) tbb shares [Forbidden] ...Bummer
We agreed this impacts a world of Non US subscribed Green Supporters / Students / Scholars etc!
Said she'd look into it...even though her world was well in order...mine was locked out!

Result : One week on...tbb can access all Green Sites / Contact / Policy / Join options without US subscription!
First time for months...Cool Hey!
Yes! Intend to inform & thank them for listening to an honest bloke and not writing tbb off as some loon!

Just saying that Ph # is still a vital link & Parties will give their time to listen...however odd!
Speaking as non voter tbb > keeps mind & avenues open > Cool with any/all parties...happy to engage!
Also happy to pass on ...they're still human > 1 week on tbb got results for goodness knows how many.
It's as simple as that...Engage...share & dare to care = Epic Result for www...Salute!

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Saturday, 5 Oct 2024 at 5:03am

SCOMO...Versiion TWO but sleezyness multiplied by ten.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 5 Oct 2024 at 8:23pm


GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Saturday, 5 Oct 2024 at 9:52pm
Supafreak wrote:

Unbutton the mutton IMG-8658

So very true supafreak so very true

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 15 Oct 2024 at 8:10am

Hello Smiley

Your photo convinces me Dutton has lost the Voldy Scary Scalp look and IS a Mr Potato Head .

I can remember some SN Subs thinking HE was unpalatable , so Unelectable .

He can come across as Unreasonable .

" A reasonable man adjusts himself to the world . An unreasonable man expects the world to adjust itself to him . Therefore , all progress is made by unreasonable people . "

George Bernard Shaw

Australia has Stalled !

It looks like Australians are thinking a Potato Head is not 2 unreasonable , compared 2 an Albo .

Bring back Progress !

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 15 Oct 2024 at 8:21am

Regarding the polls is it not the case that Dutton’s results in Qld are warping his overall popularity that the media are currently getting excited about?

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 16 Oct 2024 at 7:56am

Link is to Annabel at the ABC, so this is Approved Media:

The optics are not good, I think, to my young ones who are saving for a home in current Australian housing environment. wtf

Fliplid's picture
Fliplid's picture
Fliplid Wednesday, 16 Oct 2024 at 9:09am

^^ Maybe point out to them that there was an opportunity to change the investment rules that would have gone part ways to reducing competition for homes from cashed up investors who had the benefit of generous tax benefits but instead their wise elders went for "have a go" and kept the status quo.

Mention also that "no comment" Dutton has reaped even bigger windfalls from his real estate and family trust dealings so there is very little chance of any meaningful change coming from the mob that screamed down Shortens proposals, apart from raiding their super which sets them up for another hit in the future. At least he has the sense to duck for cover from this one

But yeah, the optics are bad

Fliplid's picture
Fliplid's picture
Fliplid Wednesday, 16 Oct 2024 at 9:21am

Edit: by the way when I say "wise elders" I'm referring to the majority not specifically to you velocityjohnno, could be taken that I was referring to you which wasn't my intention