Help a bro(ther) out

Uncle G handing out red frogs....

Aint nothing but a Gary party.....

You're relentless, Gary G.

Tidal waves coudnt save the world from garycornication........slap a schoolie lil shits

Not sure about the tan..but id probably hunt down broady jenner he will hook u up with the hueys...Dingo be charging somewhere as dingo does.....

G-Love, I reckon if you get towed into a head-high wave whilst drinking a beer, you'll be speaking their language and they'll come a-runnin.
Once they come to grips with their (understandable) jealousy of your insanely ripped rig, you'll be set.

AndyM wrote:G-Love, I reckon if you get towed into a head-high wave whilst drinking a beer, you'll be speaking their language and they'll come a-runnin.
Once they come to grips with their (understandable) jealousy of your insanely ripped rig, you'll be set.
Just make sure ya got the go-pro strapped on and recording! That shitt'll go viral bro! Let's face it who wouldn't want to see the big G's rig in the next mad huey vid?

You should come hang out Gaz.
I'll be peacocking at the spit all morning .
Just a heads up mate, don't bring any open flames as my spray tan is a little volatile when it's fresh. Cheers.

Blowin, you might get a few offers if you're peacocking around certain areas of the Spit...


AndyM wrote:Blowin, you might get a few offers if you're peacocking around certain areas of the Spit...
Davey, kind of what AndyM is exploiting above which maybe could help you out.
All it takes is a texta whilst pissing in the urinal;)

wellymon wrote:AndyM wrote:Blowin, you might get a few offers if you're peacocking around certain areas of the Spit...
Davey, kind of what AndyM is exploiting above which maybe could help you out.
All it takes is a texta whilst pissing in the urinal;)

wellymon wrote:AndyM wrote:Blowin, you might get a few offers if you're peacocking around certain areas of the Spit...
Davey, kind of what AndyM is exploiting above which maybe could help you out.
All it takes is a texta whilst pissing in the urinal;)

G-Love, if you find a doc who's happy to keep things on the down-low, be a sport and pass his details on to Blowin will you?
Hey team,
Uncle Gaz is heading up to schoolies next week, and wondering where I could possibly find my personal heroes - the Mad Huey's - If I see them out at snapper should I just drop in and show them how to get barrelled? I bet those crazy cats would loce to see Gaz's frame block out the sun in front of them in a barrel.