COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

Just before Melbourne opens up, exposure site list (edit: the visual map, rather) for city reduces to 5 sites
wtf must be safe

shortenism wrote:Ah roadkill, that was the point of my comment about a cluster fk of miss information. You aren't too sharp are you.
You keeping an eye on Florida? 45% drop in COVID cases, no masks, no lockdowns, no passports, no mandatory jabs. Bet you were one of those calling the Florida Governor 'DeathSantis' when he refused the draconian COVID policies we are privileged to be surrounded by.
There was no misinformation or clusterfuck...just you trying to find excuses. 100% a covid death.

Shorty, how about you answer that travel question? I bet your standards will be ignored when your own little thought process will interfere with what you want to do.
And I am not too smart..haven't claimed to be

shortenism wrote:Ah roadkill, that was the point of my comment about a cluster fk of miss information. You aren't too sharp are you.
You keeping an eye on Florida? 45% drop in COVID cases, no masks, no lockdowns, no passports, no mandatory jabs. Bet you were one of those calling the Florida Governor 'DeathSantis' when he refused the draconian COVID policies we are privileged to be surrounded by.
You find that post I called him DeathSantis or similar and I will donate $200.00 to cancer research. You donate $200 to cancer research if you don't backup what you claim I said.
. Over to you.

Your question about flying - do I ever want to fly again? Yes. I took a flight today for business interstate and am currently in the lounge. And? As for international travel, that will open up again once this house of cards falls down.
Re backing up.... Are you talking about what I claimed you said or posted?

Have you done you're ACD?
Highly recommended by the Vic AMA:

Stitch up

I'd recommend an ACD (regardless of the pandemic) to anyone competent to make a decision about their own health care. Don't leave it for you family to decide...

Shorto, what’s your reference for this statement: “ Our constitution protects us from any force or coercion in relation to a medical procedure”?
Is that explicit? I haven’t seen any constitutional (High Court) challenges. The terms of s51 xxiii are oft quoted, but don’t seem to have not been successfully used to challenge public health orders.

etarip wrote:Shorto, what’s your reference for this statement: “ Our constitution protects us from any force or coercion in relation to a medical procedure”?
Is that explicit? I haven’t seen any constitutional (High Court) challenges. The terms of s51 xxiii are oft quoted, but don’t seem to have not been successfully used to challenge public health orders.
And that's really the big question! Why doesn't the High Court see coercion in this? I see coercion. And I think many more do. But the High Court doesn't. How should this be understood?

Mate I don’t have it in front of me now but go back through the threads and I reference the specific clauses.

Actually thinking about it I did that on a thread SN since deleted.. I’ll have to circle back.

Yeah, I’ve read them. But I haven’t seen a successful challenge against mandatory vaccinations yet. Looks like there’s been some attempts, but none have gotten up.

“And that's really the big question! Why doesn't the High Court see coercion in this? I see coercion. And I think many more do. But the High Court doesn't. How should this be understood?”
Well, I guess there’s what you see and then there’s what the legal interpretation of the term ‘civil conscription’ actually means.

This seems to sum it up:
Several legal experts say that the Australian Constitution’s “civil conscription” clause does not render mandatory COVID-19 vaccines illegal, although no such mandate has been introduced in the country for the general population.
They say this section only prevents the government from forcing doctors and dentists to undertake tasks against their will and it does not apply to the broader public. However, others have argued the same clause could be construed as extending the right of refusal to individual patients.”
It may feel like coercion, it may even be coercion, but the section of the constitution quoted doesn’t look like it holds the legal relevance to deal with it.

Here’s the latest from Professor Petrovsky and his Australian made vaccine . He certainly pulls no punches in what he thinks of the current federal government and the TGA . Yes he stands to personally profit from this but there are bigger issues that need answering here and it seems like same shit different day from Scotty and co. Its a 33 minutes interview.

I'll stick with the TGA. They've done well so far.

Blindboy as usual you haven’t even looked at the video . To make that statement shows how closed your mind is .

Yes! Thankyou superfreak. All there in a nutshell - the propaganda that big pharmaceutical companies push onto govts ., sign the dotted line.. was always clear , and even stated in their own documents about media and the “sell”.
Dishonest mob

supafreak your credibility rating is pretty low after your shambolic attempts to justify ivermectin. So yes I will continue to trust the TGA over youtubers whose claims don't check out. The latest one seems to be more of the same low quality bullshit. This is more credible.
And you should probably read this.

@ blindboy , you should probably read this but you won’t because it doesn’t support your narrative. I’m beginning to think you work for pig pharma.

Supafreak wrote:@ blindboy , you should probably read this but you won’t because it doesn’t support your narrative. I’m beginning to think you work for pig pharma.
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa supafreak, you're an absolute joke.
I actually clicked on that link and it doesn't promote or even list any benefits of ivermectin use for the treatment of covid.
You're a visual person right. You see a pretty chart (titled "Table 2e. Characteristics of Antiviral Agents That Are Approved or Under EVALUATION for the Treatment of COVID" ) and post it as evidence to support your insane pro-ivermectin agenda. You're obviously not a word person because if you actually read the document, you'd realise it doesn't help your argument one little bit.
Fair dinkum supafreak, were you trying to shred your own cred?

Future Australian of the year candidate.

Vic Local wrote:Supafreak wrote:@ blindboy , you should probably read this but you won’t because it doesn’t support your narrative. I’m beginning to think you work for pig pharma.
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa supafreak, you're an absolute joke.
I actually clicked on that link and it doesn't promote or even list any benefits of ivermectin use for the treatment of covid.
You're a visual person right. You see a pretty chart (titled "Table 2e. Characteristics of Antiviral Agents That Are Approved or Under EVALUATION for the Treatment of COVID" ) and post it as evidence to support your insane pro-ivermectin agenda. You're obviously not a word person because if you actually read the document, you'd realise it doesn't help your argument one little bit.
Fair dinkum supafreak, were you trying to shred your own cred?
Oh look its the blindboy back up team , the facts are dickyboy that two major trials are currently underway in the US , one is the active 6 which is sponsored by the NIH the other by a university, then there’s Monash university trials and the UK principal trials. Then there’s the legal storm in the US with pharmacy trying to block doctors legal prescriptions and the AG in certain states stepping in . You pair don’t have a problem with the government not supporting what may be the best and safest vaccine yet from Professor Petrovsky . Go ahead have a rant I’m off for my second surf today .

Surely Roadkill..... Surely, you are seeing through this crap!!? Man, stop buying it!! Its cooked up propaganda to get ppl (actually ppl like you) hook line and sinkered.
How convenient. An Uber driver, unvaccinated, in SE QLD and they are setting up the hate (trying to nail him for not using QR and the fact he's fit (which will piss off the unfit unhealthy cohort). Oh yeah and that young and reckless persona.. All the while Anastasia P is basically begging for ppl to get vaccinated to get her quota up.. Good for a laugh and frustrating as hell that these muppets will likely push a lockdown as soon as they can.

shortenism wrote:Surely Roadkill..... Surely, you are seeing through this crap!!? Man, stop buying it!! Its cooked up propaganda to get ppl (actually ppl like you) hook line and sinkered.
How convenient. An Uber driver, unvaccinated, in SE QLD and they are setting up the hate (trying to nail him for not using QR and the fact he's fit (which will piss off the unfit unhealthy cohort). Oh yeah and that young and reckless persona.. All the while Anastasia P is basically begging for ppl to get vaccinated to get her quota up.. Good for a laugh and frustrating as hell that these muppets will likely push a lockdown as soon as they can.
Get people like me to do what?

Ha ha ha! Move along now, nothing to see here but the same old ivermectin nonsense recycled or is that re-recycled or even re-re-recycled. How many times have we been round this loop?

get ppl like you to perpetually and aggressively support a regime, which has setup a system of continually threatening our freedoms by continually removing them and continually giving less back than they take away unless we continually obey.

shortenism wrote:get ppl like you to perpetually and aggressively support a regime, which has setup a system of continually threatening our freedoms by continually removing them and continually giving less back than they take away unless we continually obey.
A regime, no less.
Lmao....fark that's funny.

shortenism it may be time for you to spend a bit more time thinking about your responsibities and less about your freedoms. The spreading of misinformation during a pandemic, which is exactly what you are doing, is irresponsible.

blindboy wrote:Ha ha ha! Move along now, nothing to see here but the same old ivermectin nonsense recycled or is that re-recycled or even re-re-recycled. How many times have we been round this loop?
Maybe you can write a letter to the governments and universities conducting these trials and tell them to stop this nonsense now . Once they realise who you are and that you have higher credentials than Professor Clancy plus many other professional scientists and researchers and more knowledge than Professor Borody on treating covid patients then I’m sure they will all stop this nonsense. Then you and Dr Dick Vocal m.a.d . can skip happily through the tulips. I’m off again now going for surf number 3 today , bit below average surf but water is sensational .

blindboy wrote:shortenism it may be time for you to spend a bit more time thinking about your responsibities and less about your freedoms. The spreading of misinformation during a pandemic, which is exactly what you are doing, is irresponsible.
People like shortenism don't care, they are wrapped up in their own little world and refuse to bend to the greater good. Selfish and a me me me attitude. Thankfully only the really stupid ones are left now..screaming about freedom and liberty (their freedom only).

Tell me BB and how is what you are doing responsible? Promoting/supporting/pushing for a state of continual shit fkery? You got kids? Stand up for yourself and your family. Stop being a pussy.

Greater good!?. Show me one thing in all this that is for the greater good? Please?

shortenism wrote:get ppl like you to perpetually and aggressively support a regime, which has setup a system of continually threatening our freedoms by continually removing them and continually giving less back than they take away unless we continually obey.
You're sounding more like blowin daily. Take a big deep breath. Your posts are ramping up the conspiracy line and full of mad anger.

shortenism wrote:Greater good!?. Show me one thing in all this that is for the greater good? Please?
If you haven't worked it out yet, you never will....we will just go round and round in circles. It's all been said.

Well for a start I debunk some of the bullshit posted here and provide links to authoritative sources. And yes I do have children. My daughter is currently in charge of triage at a major Sydney hospital and deals daily with people fooled by the type of fucking bullshit you and others like you vomit up here and, no doubt elsewhere. She is exhausted and facing another peak in the next month. So in my judgement you are just another deluded no nothing fuckwit pushing your shit here because no-one in the real world will listen anymore. It's over mate you are in a tiny minority of fools. Common sense and good policy have saved us from the type of death tolls seen elsewhere. Get over it.

Good news just out . Dan is still following the lead of the NSW premier .
Lucky for us in Vic that Dan ( and other premiers ) has someone setting a good example and the agenda .
BREAKING NEWS: Dan Andrews ends hotel quarantine in Melbourne for fully vaccinated international arrivals - following Dominic Perrottet's lead .

Ahh here we go... u got kids that old and you’re calling yourself blindboy? Weirdo. How about blindman. Suits you better. Youre fooled into blaming COVID for the impact on the health system. How about broaden your horizons and look at the base load of issues. Oh and also the fact that 100s have departed positions to escape a jab they don’t want.

Shorto, how invested in your position are you?
If, 2,3, 5 years down the track it looks like we did roughly the right thing to cut down on deaths and minimise the disease burden would you be capable of moderating your position?
Is your world view falsifiable in any way?

Freeride, I'm not sure invested is the right word. Open mind, is how i'm approaching it. I'm ready for anything to play out with all this. Time will tell.

The truth is finally coming out . As so often the case it is not the mistake but the cover up that causes the most trouble . Fauci did lie !
NIH Admits Funding Gain-Of-Function COVID Experiments; Gives EcoHealth Five Days To Report Data
THURSDAY, OCT 21, 2021 - 09:26 AM
A top NIH official admitted in a Wednesday letter that the US-funded so-called "gain-of-function" research in Wuhan, China - and that the US nonprofit which conducted it, EcoHealth Alliance - led by the controversial Peter Daszak, "failed to report" that they had created a chimeric bat coronavirus which could infect humans.
In a letter addressed to Rep. James Comer (R-KY), NIH Principal Deputy Director Lawrence A. Tabak cites a "limited experiment" to determine whether "spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model." According to the letter, humanized mice infected with the modified bat virus "became sicker" than those exposed to an unmodified version of the same bat coronavirus.
Dr. Fauci is still the top-paid federal employee earning $434,312 in 2020. Fauci is the Director of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and current Chief Medical Advisor to the President.
The BIG question is WHEN will Biden sack him ?
Later rather than sooner is my guess .

Copy that(Shorto)

shortenism wrote:Freeride, I'm not sure invested is the right word. Open mind, is how i'm approaching it. I'm ready for anything to play out with all this. Time will tell.
Respectfully shorto you do not seem that open minded to me. From what I've read it seems you have shut the door on the clear and demonstrated benefits of the vaccines and have difficulty weighing it up against the risk of covid.
It is a good point fr has raised here. Millions of Australians have rolled up their sleeves for the jab and are getting on with things. If you haven't been convinced by the overwhelming success of the vax rollout to date it's difficult to see what will convince you to roll up your own sleeve now or some time in the future.
If you genuinely to believe the vaccines are not safe (which I believe you are genuine) then you must really despair for the 18 million Australians who have had the jab to date and who at least from where I stand, seem to be fine and getting on with our lives.

McFace, thanks for your feedback. But respectfully, if I wasn't open minded then I probably would have lined up by now. I dont know know you can link not lining up with a majority as being closed minded? And that right there is my point. In terms of sickness, we are no better off now than what we were before hand? Other than a bigger reliance on big pharma under a forever commitment to continual booster obligations (to maintain freedoms), we've achieved nothing. A big backwards step for humanity.

Mcface "If you genuinely to believe the vaccines are not safe (which I believe you are genuine) then you must really despair for the 18 million Australians who have had the jab to date and who at least from where I stand, seem to be fine and getting on with our lives."
I feel the same as shorto . I have had the vax .
Not despair but worry .
I worry about the small business failures , the anxiety of people and kids due to lock down . The missed experience's . If we have to do it all again for a new strain of covid . The divide it has caused . The freedoms we may lose . The benefits versus the costs .The lies we have been told . The possible long term side effects .

udo wrote:
No surprise there. Slater has been going a bit down the rabbit hole...I blame veganism :)

Hutchy 19 wrote:Not despair but worry .
I worry about the small business failures , the anxiety of people and kids due to lock down . The missed experience's . If we have to do it all again for a new strain of covid . The divide it has caused . The freedoms we may lose . The benefits versus the costs .The lies we have been told . The possible long term side effects .
Hutch I can understand this feeling and I too hope this will be the end of broad scale lockdowns. I personally think that the government on both sides have done well to navigate this pandemic in a way that minimises the loss of life and strain on our health system while also keeping some normality where possible. Sometimes the approach has been too conservative and other times too cavalier. However, I can appreciate that others may feel like the approach has been too conservative, particularly if you've been affected more than most, even though I wouldn't necessarily agree with it all.
My question to shorto was more directed at (what I interpret as) his hardline anti vax approach and the reluctance a minority of Australians have with getting the jab.
I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..
There's also a website with live running data..